Author Topic: 3.5 month old eating very little  (Read 1941 times)

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Offline kchacon

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3.5 month old eating very little
« on: January 10, 2013, 19:11:15 pm »
My LO is 3.5 months (will be 4 months on the 19th).  She doesn't take much formula in a given day, usually around 20-22 ounces and I worry about her.  She was small at birth (7 lbs), but full-term.  At her 2 month check-up she was almost 10 lbs.  She takes about 3-4 ounces at each feeding, though some feedings as low as 2 ounces.  I have her on a 3.5 hour easy.  We did get messed up when we went on vacation (plane ride with 2 hour time-zone change), but now I'm trying to get her back in sync.  I'm contemplating moving her to the 4 hour easy, but am afraid that she would just take less formula then since she doesn't seem to take much at one time.  I consistently offer to her.  But many times she just plays with the bottle nipple with her tongue and lets the formula drip out of her mouth.  We were having this issue even before our vacation that messed up her easy. 

She seems happy and smiles a lot.  She rolled over twice a few weeks ago, but hasn't since then.  On one hand, she looks happy and healthy.  But on the other hand, I'm worried that she isn't eating enough.

I read the locked thread on this same topic.  It was encouraging that other moms are going through the same thing at the developmental stage.  Any other advice or encouragement?

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Re: 3.5 month old eating very little
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2013, 22:44:06 pm »
It does sound like she just isn't overly hungry when she is being offered a bottle... maybe try 3 hrs 45 mins to see if that makes a change?  My DD was about this age when she started with the same type of behaviours and increasing time between just 15 mins did the trick for us.

Does she have any night feeds?

Could you write out how much she is taking at each feed for a day or two and let me know?

Offline kchacon

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Re: 3.5 month old eating very little
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2013, 00:09:40 am »
Thanks for the reply.

Here is what she ate so far today:
7:30 3.5 oz
10:00 2 oz ( in hindsight, I think I offered this feeding too early, but she was doing what I thought were hunger cues)
11:00 1 oz
1:45 3 oz

She tends to eat much better at night, than during the day.  For a DF, she will down a 4 oz bottle, but almost never takes 4 oz during the day.

Last night she had a DF at 1am.  Yes, I know that is too late, but I took a "short" nap at 9 and slept through my alarm for the DF.

I will keep track for the next few days and post more information.  Though I do have another question.  My husband's work schedule just changed and he found out today.  Since we only have one car, I will need to drive him to work at 5:30 each morning.  It's 20 minutes tops round trip.  Should I do a breakfast feeding when LO and I get home after dropping off hubby or should I try to get her to go back to sleep until her usual morning feed time?  He works 3 days one week and then 4 the next, so it will be leaving at 5:30am for 3 or 4 days, then normal days at home for the rest of the week, repeating each week.

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Re: 3.5 month old eating very little
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2013, 04:41:49 am »
Here is what she ate so far today:
7:30 3.5 oz
10:00 2 oz ( in hindsight, I think I offered this feeding too early, but she was doing what I thought were hunger cues)
11:00 1 oz
1:45 3 oz

For sure you are feeding too soon and causing a cycle of snacking... she doesn't take a good feed, so you end up having to do another feed too soon, but she isn't truly well and hungry so takes another small feed, perpetuating the cycle.

At 3.5 months, I would offer a full feed first thing in the morning (she should be approaching 5 ozs per feed).  Then wait at least 3 hrs, more like 3.5 hrs and then feed again.  So long as she takes close to 4 ozs for the first feed, I would do what I could to distract her until it's been at least 3 hrs.

Bear in mind though, there is a massive growth spurt looming around 4 months of age.

As for your next question with regards to hubby's work schedule, will try to get some eyes for you - we have 2 cars so I have never encountered this.

Offline becj86

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Re: 3.5 month old eating very little
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2013, 05:14:59 am »
Hi :)

WRT one car and dropoffs 3/4 days per week when its meant to be night... we did things a few different ways:
* DH just took the car and I walked/got the bus - I wasn't a fan of this as I couldn't stick DS in the car and drive to the doc/hospital if I needed.
* I trained DS (with shush/pat) to transfer car to bed and bed to car so he could sleep relatively uninterrupted. Didn't transfer back and forward successfully very frequently at this young age though, he went back to sleep much more easily when younger than he did as he got older.

It really depends when your ideal wakeup time is and what you do on hubby's days off - do you still get up early? Would you be ok with wakeup at 5:30 and bedtime at 6pm, for instance?

Offline kchacon

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Re: 3.5 month old eating very little
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2013, 22:00:29 pm »
I did some negotiating with DH.  He will drive to work.  There is enough within walking distance for me to do.  I can schedule appointments for his days off.  If there is something I absolutely need the car for, he can come home on his lunch break and I can drive him back.  That way I can have the car in the afternoon.  So one problem, resolved.

As to the eating,

Here is what she ate so far today:
7:30 3.5 oz
10:00 2 oz ( in hindsight, I think I offered this feeding too early, but she was doing what I thought were hunger cues)
11:00 1 oz
1:45 3 oz

To continue that day:

6pm 3 oz
8pm 3.5 (clusterfeeding)
11:30pm 4 oz DF

Total for the day: 20 oz, in hindsight, not too bad.

Then yesterday:
8:30 2.5 oz (We dropped off DH and then went back to bed.  I let her sleep a little later to make up for the sleep she missed during the drop-off.)
11:30 2.5 oz
2:30 1.5 oz
6pm 4.5 oz
9pm 2 oz
11:30 2 oz

overall: 15 oz, a terrible eating day.  When she doesn't want anymore, she plays with the nipple and lets the milk drip out of her mouth.  Even the night feeds and dream feeds were low because she just stopped sucking.

Today DH drove to work, so there wasn't the drop off issue.

3:30am woke up hungry, took 3.5 oz
8 am 2oz
11:30-12:30 6 oz, but it took the whole hour to get her to take it.  DH came home at lunch and he got her to fall asleep.  She took majority of the bottle asleep.

I know that BW says not to feed to sleep, but sometimes I feel like feeding LO when asleep is the only way to get her to eat decently.

Offline becj86

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Re: 3.5 month old eating very little
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2013, 22:40:37 pm »
I know that BW says not to feed to sleep, but sometimes I feel like feeding LO when asleep is the only way to get her to eat decently.
Sometimes we do what we have to. That's fine. Independent sleep can come later when she's eating. Have you tried feeding her as soon as she wakes while she's still a little drowsy?

Glad you've got the car situation sorted :) It takes some negotiation and you'll have days when the routine is a bit stuffed because you have to drop off for whatever reason but with a plan and a 'normal' that allows her to sleep enough at nights, those should be recoverable.

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Re: 3.5 month old eating very little
« Reply #7 on: January 12, 2013, 22:44:15 pm »
2:30 1.5 oz
6pm 4.5 oz

This shows that she can take a bigger feed so I would try pushing her feeds out hun... Give her 3.5 hrs after a feed before offering another.