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Re: Weaning thread part 3... Come share experiences and offer support
« Reply #165 on: November 30, 2014, 07:02:58 am »
I told L it was hurting me. I was in tears with the pain eventually and he soon stopped because he loved my boobies and didn't want to hurt them... That's what he said anyway.
You may find even though she doesn't talk much, she can understand a lot more than she can say so she may get it if you explain that it hurts
Hugs xx

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Re: Weaning thread part 3... Come share experiences and offer support
« Reply #166 on: November 30, 2014, 10:50:31 am »
Audrey was a little younger but she was pretty heartbroken. I just wore tops that it wasn't easy for her to lift/open, and kept telling her that she'd drunk all the milk, the milk was finished now, but I could cuddle her while she had her milk from a zippy. She was very upset for a few days, and it wasn't easy at all, but we did get through it. Agree with Bec though, even though she's not talking she likely does understand much more, especially concepts like 'finished' 'all done'. She's 2.5 so yes, tantrums when she doesn't get her way are just inevitable, with nursing as with anything else. If you stay firm in your decision though, she will come out the other side.

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Re: Weaning thread part 3... Come share experiences and offer support
« Reply #167 on: November 30, 2014, 15:51:23 pm »
I also found setting out times when nursing was ok helped with the demands. So if he asked in the day I would just say "yes you can have some at BT. If you're hungry now you can have a yogurt or a banana..."
If you are truly done then stopping completely will mean she will soon stop asking.

I agree with others unless you know otherwise I expect she can understand a lot more than she can say. I'm sure mine understood when we weaned night feeds at 12 and 15mo when I said the boobs were sleeping and they needed to sleep too.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

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Re: Weaning thread part 3... Come share experiences and offer support
« Reply #168 on: December 05, 2014, 22:12:00 pm »
Thanks ladies.  The good news is having her dad go to her at night has considerably cut back on her night wakings and during the day we're down to one nursing at BT.  I've tried to verbally explain that the milk is finished but she doesn't seem to care, she just wants to keep nursing.  I'm hoping now that we're down to one session a day, I can slowly start cutting back.  Thank you so much for your support!

Offline shanyn

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Re: Weaning thread part 3... Come share experiences and offer support
« Reply #169 on: December 28, 2014, 11:10:35 am »
Hello all,

I'm after some advice on weaning and 8 month old who is refusing everything but the breast. We have tried numerous teats and bottles, sippy cups and cups and he won't have take any of them. I am supposed to go back to work in a couple of weeks time and he will be in daycare fulltime. I would like to BF him morning and night but very worried as he won't take a bottle, sippy cup with either breastmilk, formula or water. He has also been refusing solids for 2 mths since starting on them at 6 mths old.

I have seen a speech pathologist, child health nurse, my GP and spoken to feeding clinics and they all say to try positive association with the cup which I have been doing. I'm at my wits end and just don't know what to do next. Any advice would be much appreciated.

Offline Bella89

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Re: Weaning thread part 3... Come share experiences and offer support
« Reply #170 on: July 23, 2015, 16:03:06 pm »
Aw thats rough:/
Have you tried spooning? I know its extreme, but... No idea how to even create a possitive association with a sippy:/
I hear ya, Im weaning my 6 month old, thought it will be no problem, but he forgot or refuses a bottle. I started weaning with DF, but he is so confused. Need to try something else:/

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Re: Weaning thread part 3... Come share experiences and offer support
« Reply #171 on: July 26, 2015, 19:52:15 pm »
BF babies tend to do well at this age with a straw. Have you tried that?
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

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Re: Weaning thread part 3... Come share experiences and offer support
« Reply #172 on: September 15, 2015, 04:38:26 am »
Hi ladies,

I'm looking for some advice on weaning my 13 mo DD2.  I've fed my previous two kids to around this age and have always dropped one feed at a time and then finally dropped the bedtime feed and all has been fine.  However, my previous two kids have STTN at 7 and 5 mths respectively and very seldom had NFs from then on.  However, DD2 is still not sleeping through and still wants a NF every night.  She's a big kid, eats well, drinks cows milk from a bottle and I know she doesn't need to the nutrition.  I'm working through NW and EW at the moment and trying to eliminate the variables, so I want to lose the NF asap.  I'm ready to wean her altogether soonish, but would like to keep the bedtime feed for the moment.  Do you think I'll be able to go cold turkey on the NF and keep the bedtime feed?  DH works shifts and isn't home every night and when he is home, he's often recovering from night shift, so sending him in when she wakes, instead of me isn't ideal.
Previously Caitlyns Mum

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Re: Weaning thread part 3... Come share experiences and offer support
« Reply #173 on: September 15, 2015, 20:04:54 pm »
Yes you can do that. I would explain to her in advance that mummy's boobs are sleeping at night so there will be no more night feeds and then just resettle her without feeding if she wakes. She will protest and cry as she won't like the change but if you attend to her and soothe her in a different way she should soon stop waking for it.

Is she an independent sleeper for her nap(s) and BT?
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

Offline AussieMum2Three

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Re: Weaning thread part 3... Come share experiences and offer support
« Reply #174 on: September 16, 2015, 09:09:34 am »
I like that - mummy's boobs are sleeping!! 😂 We'll see how that goes down, but im sure there's going to be some protest for a few nights.

Yes, she is an independent sleeper, however I'm trying to sort out some NWs and EWs and eliminating the NF is one of the steps in getting her to STTN. She goes to sleep for naps and bedtime with a dummy and teddy, but in her cot alone, without crying. She is a textbook (possibly angel?) but can be very determined and stubborn. She has been having frequent/long NWs and as she's third child, we've probably picked her up and patted her to sleep in our arms and/or brought her into our bed (early in the morning, after rough nights of NWs) just to get some sleep. So there's some AP to deal with too, but getting rid of the NF is first thing to deal with. When we weaned dummies from the other kids, it only took a couple of nights, however they were lots younger (5 and 7 mths). I expect we're in for a few more rough nights given she's older?
Previously Caitlyns Mum

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Re: Weaning thread part 3... Come share experiences and offer support
« Reply #175 on: September 16, 2015, 20:08:10 pm »
If she can replug the dummy herself then I wouldn't worry about weaning  it. If she calls you to replug I would work on getting her to find it and replug without calling you. Also, is she still on 2 naps? I'm windering if she is UT perhaps?

Since she is an independent sleeper normally I would probably use walk in walk out. With my DS1 we weaned night feeds (and kept daytime feeds) at 12mo by waiting until he stood up and then going in and laying him back down before leaving again. We would use our voices to soothe him and maybe a quick (10 second) belly rub if he seemed to be getting too upset. That worked well.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

Offline Bella89

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Re: Weaning thread part 3... Come share experiences and offer support
« Reply #176 on: September 28, 2015, 18:49:57 pm »
Hi Ladies,
I figured this thread was the right one to get all of my anxiety out of the system. My DS is 8 months now, we started weaning when he was 6,5 months. We decided with my DH to try for another baby, and I needed to restart my cycle.We are in such a good place right now, my job allows me to be away, because my DH took most of my responsibilities. We run a business together. He is doing such a great job at it btw. Really proud of him, as dad and partner.

So one feeding at a time, every week or two. Up until yesterday, I BF my baby once at night. We give him Hipp BIO formula which my ped said in his opinion is best. I did some research and figured if there is a chance it hass less chemicals I will take it. I change it sometimes with Combiotic version of it, it has lactis bacteria just like BM to support his intestines. All of this to give my baby second best food and make me more calm about risks and cons of FF.

He started teething yesterday, we have 1 tooth out. Tonight was rough, but I know it could be much worse. He didn't eat much during the day, so I knew he might be hungry. I put him close to me and as soon as he latched we both realised there is not much milk in. He bit me so hard:( first time ever, so I didn't know how it's like. My DH made 5 oz of formula right away. I try not to give him too much, because he might start to replace day feedings. We've gone that road once before.

I worked really hard to drive my milk supply up when he was 2 months. We didn't have an easy start. Cracked nipples, blood, feeding through silicone things for 1,5 months (dont know how you call them), clogged milk canal with a size of a wallnut for more than 2 weeks, 2 week break when I got strong allergy on God knows what. We went through all of that.

So here I am, ending BF because as soon as we started weaning my milk supply went downhill. Still not pregnant, didn't get a period yet. I used to know when I was ovulating so I pretty much know I haven't yet. My progesterone level is really low. My DH got tested and he has to work on his testosterone levels as well, loose some weight. We've been that road before, because we waited 2 years for our baby boy.

I am mourning BF, my time with DS, the idea of him being dependent of me, needing me to keep him healthy. I know trying for second baby might take some time again, so I'm second guessing weaning. I'm considering restarting BF if its possible, but I know it was a necessary decision on the other hand. I feel like a bad mother, like I could do more for my baby, BF him for at least a year. I am really sad. All these feelings just when he is teething are not helping.

I think I would like to know, if my feelings are normal. If someone went through similar issues.
Thank you for a place like this, where I could write all this down and send in the space:)

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Re: Weaning thread part 3... Come share experiences and offer support
« Reply #177 on: September 28, 2015, 20:38:56 pm »
I don't  know if it's normal or bot, but I felt the same. I think you have described it beautifully, the worry that they won't need you in the same way any more. But actually, even once i stopped, I realised they still needed me as much as ever!! Not for milk any more, but for love and cuddles. It hasn't affected our relationship at all.

BF can be an amazing and wonderful experience for you and your baby, and it sounds like you have had a wonderful time with it, but you have to think about whether it is still right for your family. I don't know if you have to stop completely to get pregnant again, I'm sure someone will tell you. But you have done a fantastic thing by feeding him for so long, especially with a difficult start. And whether or not you decide to stop, he will still adore you because you are his precious, perfect mamma.

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Re: Weaning thread part 3... Come share experiences and offer support
« Reply #178 on: September 30, 2015, 22:08:35 pm »
It is hard whatever age they are when you wean. The hormones don't help either ::)
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

Offline Bella89

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Re: Weaning thread part 3... Come share experiences and offer support
« Reply #179 on: October 01, 2015, 18:17:00 pm »
Do you think when you wean the hormones come to play that intensely?
Now that I read my post I think they do haha