I need a hand held over here ladies!
DS3 (17mo) has suddenly stopped BFing, 2 days after his MMR shots and now it's been 4-5days with no BF and I'm sad that this is IT.
With my other two I BF till 19mo and 2yr and those were both gradually weaned. This is so sudden!
He has done a nursing strike once before when he had a strep throat infection, but I was able to express and get him back to BF after a few days. But this time it has been longer and my supply was already less (older baby) and just expressing hasn't been enough to keep up production.
Logically I know he's plenty old enough to wean and I know it is just me holding onto the wish to BF as long as I did with the others. But part of me wonders if it's premature (he really seemed to enjoy it before this happened) or if that even really matters.