Generally LO will either refuse on of the midday bottles or will only partially finish each one... typically, it's the 11am bottle that goes and you offer lunch solids in place of it. The remaining midday milk is offered shortly before the PM nap and is a full bottle (7-8ozs).
This is from the FAQ section:
The transition from 4 to 3 bottles per day. can sometimes be difficult to spot. The main thing to look for is your LO consistently refusing the 11am bottle, this is the time to be changing to 3 bottles, so your routine may look something like this;
E: 7.00 wake up and feed milk and breakfast
A: 7.30
S: 10.00
Y: your choice
E: 12.00 lunch
A: 12.30
E: 1330/1400 milk *dependant on your LO’s nap time
S: 2.00
Y: your choice
E: 4.30 dinner
A: 5.00
E: 7.00 milk given before or after bath
A: bath
S: 7.30 bedtime