Hi there - we just got back from 5 weeks in NZ, Australia and Singapore. DS turned 3 while we were away, and i was so impressed with how well he adapted to travelling/ time zones while away - no problems at all until we started coming back across the time zones.
In Australia time difference from NZ was minus 3 - we had a couple of nights of waking in the night and getting into bed with us, then early waking (5am). Time difference to Singapore was another minus 2 - one night of NW, and early wakings daily, again around 5am. This was manageable though.
Coming back to Uk - another minus 8 hours, so a very long day on the day we flew back: DS was up 05:30 Singapore time, slept for 2 1/2 hours at midday, and 3 hours in the night (10pm - 1am) (Singapore time) we landed at 2am Singapore time, 6pm Uk time. DS slept in the cab for 2 hours, and we then let him stay up for another 2 hours when we got home, thinking he would then sleep till about 6am, as he hadn't had a lot of sleep in total.
WRONG!!! DS was up at 4am and wailed (not really crying or upset, just making a lot of noise!) because he wanted to watch tv. Got back to sleep around 5am we thought, but then we heard him again at 5.30am, and he was up at 7am. Nap for about 2 1/2 hours and bedtime 7.30pm
Next night - up at 12am and 4am - wailed / tantrumed for 2 hours till allowed to watch tv 6am. Big tantrum when tried to get him to nap - about 2 hours, finally asleep 1pm and woken by me 3.30pm, bedtime 7.30pm
Night 3 - up at 1am, 2am and finally asleep 5am - 7.30am. Day time nap 1 1/2 hours - woken by me
Night 4 Ilast night) - into bed wiht me 2am, and slept for a bout 1 hour only then up at 7am.
Should i let him nap longer? Or less? later BT? Anyone been through this with any suggestions please!