It's hard to post the routine, since she is all over the place. I will post the estimated one below, bit she deviates from it all the time. And yes she is a independent sleeper, she uses a soother to fall asleep, but often spits that out since she doesn't need it. She does cry a bit to fall asleep, but that's just self settling.
E 630
A 640 (if she feeds that long)
S 745 (she starts to get tired at the 1 hour mark, we have tried to lengthen the A time, but that is counter productive)
A 830 (try to resettle, works sometimes IF it works she'll sleep another hour)
E somewhere between 930 and 1030
S if she slept long enough, then she will make 1.15 hours, but if not 45 minute she starts to get tired.
Then if she doesn't sleep well, the vicious cycle continues.