Author Topic: How to introduce formula to combine feed? Medical reasons.  (Read 1739 times)

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How to introduce formula to combine feed? Medical reasons.
« on: January 21, 2013, 05:02:22 am »
Hi ladies,
I recently had mastitis and now my wisdom teeth are infected, so I have to be on antibiotics for a week, one of them is not ok for breastfeeding, so I need to put my lo on formula milk for a week. Is there anything I need to be aware of when introducing formula for the very first time? I feel so guilty to give her formula ( i was brainwashed at the hospital by midwives).  Is it gonna create any problems once I finish my antibiotics and I need to wean her from formula milk? Meanwhile to keep my supply going, I will pump and dump. Is there anyone here who does combine feelings also? TIA

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Re: How to introduce formula to combine feed? Medical reasons.
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2013, 21:18:24 pm »

I helped give my nephew formula for a week when his mum (my sister) was in hospital pumping and dumping and he went back on the breast fine. He's a little boobaholic now at 21mo ;)

I have heard that a slow teat for a newborn is ideal as it is more like the flow of breast milk and won't mean your LO gets used to a faster flow and develop a bottle preference.

I'm sure some mamas with personal experience will be along with more great advice for you.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

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Re: How to introduce formula to combine feed? Medical reasons.
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2013, 22:16:03 pm »
Hi there, I had a similar experience.  I had surgery when my LO was three months old and she had to be formula fed for a few days. She disliked it at first but quickly got used to it.  After a week I was better and able to feed her again by breast and she was sooo excited to have it back.  Please don't worry about that, or feel guilty for giving her formula.  Formula is wonderful for ppl that can't bf so it's only a break and you and lo will be back to normal soon!

Formula poop is much different lol.  But LO should adjust fine. Many mums do both bf and bottle too. 

Feel better girl!

Offline yufeiisme

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Re: How to introduce formula to combine feed? Medical reasons.
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2013, 23:14:57 pm »
Thank you ladies.
Ali, lo is already used to having bottled breastmilk because I am going back to work soon, so I am training her to get used to bottles. It is more the taste of formula that I am concerned because I have been told that formula tastes better, so some babies will have a preference once it is introduced.

Dani's mum, big thank you! The guilt of giving lo formula was killing me :P Glad to know there are ppl out there sharing similar situation. I am still giving dd frozen BM during the day ( my reserve is really low now). Do you know what her poop suppose to look like and how often? She is on S26 gold, it's known to give constipation here...

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Re: How to introduce formula to combine feed? Medical reasons.
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2013, 23:48:12 pm »
How old ur dd? So she is getting used to the bottle, that's so good. I wish I kept my girl used to the bottle, now she won't even go near one.  I too have to go back to work so I'm up you know what creek now! 

Also, what is s26 gold? 

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Re: How to introduce formula to combine feed? Medical reasons.
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2013, 08:16:33 am »
Oh I've never heard of a formula preference. Funny you say that as formula actually tastes pretty disgusting in my experience (whereas breast milk is very sweet). I know many babies actually reject the formula as the taste is so different and some mamas have to mix it in increasing amounts with breast milk while LO gets used to it.

Don't feel bad about using formula. You are doing what you need to do. It is actually really impressive that you are going to such lengths to continue BFing again afterwards. I'm sure many mamas would find it too much and just switch to formula permanently. So please be proud :)
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

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Re: How to introduce formula to combine feed? Medical reasons.
« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2013, 09:40:17 am »

Also, what is s26 gold? 
S26 is one of the formulas available here in Australia made by Pfizer :P Sorry that I assumed formulas r the same around th world : P DD is turning 4mo tmr yay! Have you tried the new avent teats which mimicking breasts? My dd is a boobieholic too, I breastfed her directly one night just ONCE because I didn't pump out any milk, she would not take a bottle afterwards

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Re: How to introduce formula to combine feed? Medical reasons.
« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2013, 09:43:07 am »
Aww thanks Ali, my breastfeeding experience hasn't been the most pleasant. I have had forceful let down, mastitis three times, thrush and latching problem. But yk if I still have milk supply, why not give what's best to dd? Having said that, sometimes I do wanna give up. If I exclusively pump, will my supply decrease eventually?

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Re: How to introduce formula to combine feed? Medical reasons.
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2013, 11:36:44 am »
I have been told that formula tastes better,

I'm not sure who told you that, but my guess was they've never tasted either EBM or formula!  When I was mixed feeding DS, just the smell of the formula used to turn my stomach :-X

If I exclusively pump, will my supply decrease eventually?

It very much depends from person to person.  Many mums EP for their LOs until they are weaned (past 12m), so there's nothing to say you couldn't continue to pump for as long as you like.  :)
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