Hi there - my LO is 23 weeks, and we have been doing the dreamfeed since late December.
She is now primarily bottlefed due to my lack of milk supply. I still pump a few oz a day for daytime bottles.
DF started when she was 3.5 months from a 9pm feed, and then she began sleeping through that, and I began giving her the dreamfeed between 10-11pm. She always has wake-ups, so it seems as though the DF is disrupting her somehow, and so I am wondering how to stop, and what the alternatives may be. She usually goes to bed between 6:30 and 7pm, and wakes up 45 min. later. Sometimes goes back to sleep and wakes up once more and then she sleeps from approx 9pm until anytime between 11:30 and 2pm. She is not hungry at these wake-ups.
The wake-ups are unpredictable, usually anywhere from 1 to 2, to 3 hours after the DF. She resettles fairly quickly. She doesn't even usually burp...however I do find her to be gassy (tummy growling/farts) at the next feed which is usually around 3:30 or 4. Sometimes
So I am wondering whether to feed her at a wake-up rather than DF. However, am I interfering with her night cycles if I feed her at midnight if she wakes up, or 1am?
She just went through a phase of not eating enough during the day, and so I scaled back the amounts of milk that she was getting at DF and 3:30-ish to 4 oz each time and she began eating more during the day. And then she started to eat quite a bit more overall and so I think she's going through a growth spurt. Then she started waking up earlier to be fed 2:30 or 3am, and at 6ish in the morning, when before she was sleeping til 7:30am.
Looking forward to hearing your ideas- I know this crosses over into sleep - so hope I have posted in the right place - it feels like the feeding is determining the sleep issues.
Thank you so much - really hoping to see us both sleep longer at night