Author Topic: What do you do when daycare naps aren't BW-friendly?  (Read 627 times)

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Offline nossi

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What do you do when daycare naps aren't BW-friendly?
« on: February 08, 2013, 14:06:31 pm »
So 5mo DD starts daycare in 2 weeks, but the naps for the babies are set at 10am and 2pm until they turn a year old.  I've been trying to keep her on these times, but she really needs to start increasing A time in order to drop her catnap.  She's also started waking twice at night instead of once.  With DS, he just slept less at daycare b/c he was UT.  Curious what others have done.  They have the 3mo babies on the same nap time schedule as the 9mo.  Just seems crazy to me!

Offline Mama2Athena

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Re: What do you do when daycare naps aren't BW-friendly?
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2013, 16:55:13 pm »
No advice but just wanted to let you know that IS crazy to expect a 5 month old to take only 2 naps.  Did they tell you why the babies have to be set on that schedule?  At that age, my DD (a catnapper) was taking 3-4 short naps at daycare - they just put her down whenever she fusses (although I still thought they were a *little* late).  Now that she's 10 months old, they are trying to get her more on a schedule and putting her down 2X a day, usually at 10:30 AM and 3:00 PM.  They also told me that around 1 year, they are expecting her to go to one nap - eeeek!!!  Will she be attending a large center or home daycare?  Maybe you can talk to the director or principal if it's a large center...

Offline nossi

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Re: What do you do when daycare naps aren't BW-friendly?
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2013, 19:28:04 pm »
I agree!  They said the 3-6 mo room that she'll be going into is more "flexible". So I'm going to ask them to give her another nap if she needs it and see what they say. There are 3 mo babies in that class who can't  possibly get by with that schedule. If she doesn't take a third nap at daycare, then  hoping she will at least catnap for 10-15 min on our walk home. I'm just worried about my little baby getting really exhausted!!  By the time she moves to the 7-12 mo room she won't need that catnap anymore(hopefully).