My LO is 5 months now and since he finished 3 months he's been waking up every 2 hours every night.
During the day he wasn't that interested in eating any more- everything distracted him, but after we gave up the pacifier (advice of a lactation consultant), I fed always in the same place and I started to feed him from both breasts, that improved a bit. So now an average meal takes 10minutes.
I feed him every 3 hours and am afraid to switch to 4- have a big problem with NW.
Our EASY looks like that:
6.30 (sometimes 5.30!) wake up
8 eat (breastfeed)
8.30-10 nap
11 eat
12.30-14 nap
14 eat
16-16.30 catnap
17 eat
18:20 eat
18:30 sleep
20:30, 22:30, 00:30, 2:30, 4:30, 5:30 night wakings. Sometimes eats for more or less 6-7 mins, sometimes just takes a few sips and goes to sleep. If I try just to resettle him- cries a lot and I end up worrying that he's not getting enough during the day so I feed him and goes back to sleep.
He wakes up really early too, after 5:30 it's really hard to resettle him and he wakes up already in a bad mood (should I try to resettle till 6:30 anyway?)
I'm really tired of those night and early wakings and don't know where to start.
Should I try just the DF and survive a few nights with him crying, trying to resettle him? I'm really worried this will make him malnourished. Or will this make him eat more during the day.
I'm really desperate and will appreciate any advice!