I saw this EASY routine and it seems like DD2 might be close to this....What do you think?
9 Month Sample Routines
Key Notes:
*Average Awake time at 9 months is about 3.5 hours. (Tracy says 8-10 months is 3 to 4 hours)
A time of 3 hours 30 mins. to 4 hrs.
two naps, one of 1 hr. and another of 1.5 hrs.
Total daytime sleep: 2.5 hours
Totally nighttime sleep: 11 hrs.
Luka is now 9 months. We hit the 'wonky' naps situation a couple of weeks ago with afternoon nap refused a few times, then panicked cos morning one also got refused once. Therefore now cutting the morning nap short to 1 hour. Only into about the 4th day of doing this but already seems to have helped.
A 6am Wake up and chat
A 7am Nappy change by daddy
E 7.15am Bottle 3oz-6oz
A Play (crawling) while I get breakfast ready
E 8am Breakfast
A 8.30am Brush teeth/gums, change nappy again, and into outfit for the day (oh, and play!)
S 9.30am Wake him up at 1 hr
E 11am Snack of yoghurt and fruit if tetchy or if going out and lunch might be delayed (milk feed dropped as zero interest)
E 12pm Lunch
A Go out to class or run errands (giving lunch while out if nec), or play in house or on blanket in garden
S 1.30/1.45pm - either 45 mins or 1hr 30mins (almost to the minute)
E 3pm Bottle 3oz-6oz
A Run errands, go for walk or play in house or garden
E 4.30-5.30pm (start anytime between) Dinner
A Play, or if getting too hyper or fussy sing songs and/or look at books
A Bath 6.15pm
E 6.30pm Bottle 3oz-6oz
S 7pm Bed
Posted by: NikkiSurrey, September 3, 2007