Can you give us his routine. You say he is eating more at night - what times and how much and what times/ how much is he eating during the day?
PP is right about the rice cereal - he is too young and it won't help him sleep. Rice is very hard on the digestive system and is likely to make him uncomfortable and less likely to settle.
Dear Laura!
I will give you his two day routine.
Feb 10th:
Woke up at 05:30am
E : at 7am had 5oz
A: since he was awake earlier than he should less A time
S : slept at 08:00am
Y: I sleep with him on the bed
Wakes up at 09:46am
E: 10am had 5oz
A: for 2hours
S: slept at 12:10pm
Y: I have to keep patting him for him to fall asleep
Wakes up in 45 mins at 12:55pm
E: 1:55pm had 6oz
A: awake for almost 2hrs 40mins
S: slept at 4:40pm
Y: again I have to help him through his transition sleep otherwise he wakes up
Wakes up in one hour at 5:40pm
E: at 6pm eats 6 1/2 oz
A: bath
S: sleeps at 07:19pm
Y: this is probably where I get most time to myself.
Wakes up at 08:30looking for his pacifier and sleeps once I give it to him.
DF at 11pm ate 4 1/2 oz
Feb 11th
E: at 3am ate 3 1/2oz
Back to bed
Wakes up @ 05:40am
E: at 7am ate 4oz
A: since was awake early less A time
S: at 8:05am
Y: I sleep with him patting him
Wakes up at 09:35am
E: at 11am ate 6 1/2 oz
A: since was awake early, less A time
S: slept at 11:45am
Y: patting him to sleep
Woke up at 12pm, patted him back to sleep till 1:00pm
E: at 3:00pm ate 6 1/2oz
A: shorten A time
S: 3:35pm till 5:35pm...patted through the transition wakes up otherwise
Bath at 6:00pm
E: ate at 06:30pm abt 6oz
S: slept at 07:13pm
DF at 10:50 pm, ate 3 1/2 oz
Woke up at 3:20am
Took a feed of 4oz
Began sleeping 4:16am
Woke up at 05:01am, and then did not sleep till 12pm
Tried feeding at 7am, took 4oz
Next feed at 11am, ate 4oz
Then finally slept at 12:21pm for two hours!
I can post the rest of the schedule too but today was all over the place! All the feedings I have mentioned, I have to force him to eat after 3 1/2 oz and some times when Iam trying to get a burp out of him he spits some milk out. Maybe cause I move him a lot to get him to burp!