Author Topic: It just keeps getting worse!! :'(  (Read 1648 times)

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Offline rishaanim

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It just keeps getting worse!! :'(
« on: February 12, 2013, 19:39:40 pm »
 Hello Everyone!

I have a 3 1/2 month old baby boy. And we both are struggling to get him to eat right! He is a formula fed baby, but only eats 3oz in like 4hours! I had to move his schedule from every 3hour as he was then eating only 2oz! My concern is that I want him to eat enough calories during the days so he sleeps better at night. Cause naps and night sleep is all over the place right now. Iam too desperate to give him some rice cereal so he sleeps a bit but maybe he is too young for it. Someone pls help :(

Offline Haribo2012

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Re: It just keeps getting worse!! :'(
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2013, 20:18:09 pm »
Hugs to you, it's so hard being a parent.  It's too early for rice cereal, milk is the best food right now have you been to docs or seen health visitor for advice and to rule out any medical problems?
Has LO always been like this, if its recent have you changed the teat on bottle? Teething can stop them wanting to eat too!

Offline rishaanim

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Re: It just keeps getting worse!! :'(
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2013, 20:56:25 pm »
Hugs to you, it's so hard being a parent.  It's too early for rice cereal, milk is the best food right now have you been to docs or seen health visitor for advice and to rule out any medical problems?
Has LO always been like this, if its recent have you changed the teat on bottle? Teething can stop them wanting to eat too!

Iam thinking of going to the doctor tomorrow. I have changed the teat to medium flow, but that has been quite a while. He used to eat abt 2.5-3 oz from the beginning. He weighed 11lbs 11oz at his 2month check up. Then I started giving him more formula and spaced out his feedings to every 4 hour abt 15 days ago.

Since he doesn't eat well during the day, he wakes up to get those calories during the night. I don't know if he is teething, but I'll check on that.

Offline Haribo2012

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Re: It just keeps getting worse!! :'(
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2013, 21:25:58 pm »
I'd definitely get him checked out just to be on safe side rule out things like ear infections. Maybe get him weighed again too.
Good luck, and let us know how you get on.

Offline Lolly

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Re: It just keeps getting worse!! :'(
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2013, 22:25:00 pm »
Can you give us his routine. You say he is eating more at night - what times and how much and what times/ how much is he eating during the day?

PP is right about the rice cereal - he is too young and it won't help him sleep. Rice is very hard on the digestive system and is likely to make him uncomfortable and less likely to settle.


Offline rishaanim

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Re: It just keeps getting worse!! :'(
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2013, 07:34:23 am »
Can you give us his routine. You say he is eating more at night - what times and how much and what times/ how much is he eating during the day?

PP is right about the rice cereal - he is too young and it won't help him sleep. Rice is very hard on the digestive system and is likely to make him uncomfortable and less likely to settle.


Dear Laura!

I will give you his two day routine.

Feb 10th:

Woke up at 05:30am
E : at 7am had 5oz
A: since he was awake earlier than he should less A time
S : slept at 08:00am
Y: I sleep with him on the bed

Wakes up at 09:46am
E: 10am had 5oz
A: for 2hours
S: slept at 12:10pm
Y: I have to keep patting him for him to fall asleep

Wakes up in 45 mins at 12:55pm
E: 1:55pm had 6oz
A: awake for almost 2hrs 40mins
S: slept at 4:40pm
Y: again I have to help him through his transition sleep otherwise he wakes up

Wakes up in one hour at 5:40pm
E: at 6pm eats 6 1/2 oz
A: bath
S: sleeps at 07:19pm
Y: this is probably where I get most time to myself.

Wakes up at 08:30looking for his pacifier and sleeps once I give it to him.
DF at 11pm ate 4 1/2 oz

Feb 11th

E: at 3am ate 3 1/2oz
Back to bed
Wakes up @ 05:40am
E: at 7am ate 4oz
A: since was awake early less A time
S: at 8:05am
Y: I sleep with him patting him

Wakes up at 09:35am
E: at 11am ate 6 1/2 oz
A: since was awake early, less A time
S: slept at 11:45am
Y: patting him to sleep
Woke up at 12pm, patted him back to sleep till 1:00pm

E: at 3:00pm ate 6 1/2oz
A: shorten A time
S: 3:35pm till 5:35pm...patted through the transition wakes up otherwise

Bath at 6:00pm
E: ate at 06:30pm abt 6oz
S: slept at 07:13pm
DF at 10:50 pm, ate 3 1/2 oz

Woke up at 3:20am
Took a feed of 4oz
Began sleeping 4:16am
Woke up at 05:01am, and then did not sleep till 12pm
Tried feeding at 7am, took 4oz
Next feed at 11am, ate 4oz
Then finally slept at 12:21pm for two hours!

I can post the rest of the schedule too but today was all over the place! All the feedings I have mentioned, I have to force him to eat after 3 1/2 oz and some times when Iam trying to get a burp out of him he spits some milk out. Maybe cause I move him a lot to get him to burp! :(