My LO has been on solids for a month now, he turned 7 months last week. He is now on 3 meals a day, cereal & fruit for breakfast, vegetables for lunch & chicken or meat purée & vegetable mix for dinner. I BF him at 7, 11 & 3 & 7 & he has his solids at around 8:30, 12:30 & 5. I'm not sure how much solid food he should be eating at every meal. I just keep feeding him until he protests & doesn't open his mouth anymore. Sometimes he can eat quite a bit, but he is in the 90s percentiles for weight, he's 21lb.
The reason I was wondering if he is eating too much solid food is that he isn't really that interested in his 11 am & 3 pm BF's. He only seems to want to BF for 5 minutes & that seems enough for him. He is also very distracted by anything when I am BF so it is hard work.
He is also still waking at night, DF at 10:30/11 if he doesn't wake earlier & then sometimes 1 am & then usually 3 or 4 am. But even before he was on solids he was always waking twice a night or more.