I saw this post a couple days ago and wasn't sure if I should jump in and comment. But here goes... my 10 month old DD has always been a "small" drinker - quite different than my son who would easily down 8-10 oz at bedtime. On a VERY VERY good day (i.e. growth spurt), she would drink about 25 oz, but that's very rare. From the time she was born, she typically would drink between 17-22 oz a day (even before the introduction of solids). I was quite concerned but on several occasions her pediatrician reassured me that everything was OK because she's appropriately gaining weight (at one point she was even in the 75th percentile for weight) and meeting all her milestones. Her doctor chalked it up to her having a slower metabolism. After months of worrying, I finally accepted that this was her norm. Today at 10 months, she'll drink about 18-20 oz with 3 solid meals. If you are concerned, maybe talk to your LO's doctor at the next checkup.