Was he draining his 4 ozs bottles before you started to make changes? If so, you do need to increase them as you want him to leave a little in the bottle, letting you know he has taken what he needs

At 2.5 months, I would offer 6 ozs just to see what he takes (likely will be around 5 ozs, but some feeds might be more). After that, expect to feed him every 3 hrs during the day. Personally, I never woke my baby at this age for any reason. Some moms do, but I was very much of the mind that a baby will sleep when they need to and if that means a monster nap, so be it. If he is hungry, he will wake up.
I never did a dreamfeed. It works for some babies and others will actually wake more often (or the same as they did without it). I generally went to bed by 9pm so I wasn't setting an alarm to get up and feed the baby. The idea of the DF is that you feed baby before you head to bed for the night, so if you are up anyways, it's worth a shot.
I wouldn't expect that any night feeds are habitual at this age.. the general rule of thumb is to assume hunger if it has been at least 3 hrs since last feed. I also am not a fan of actively weaning any feeds at this age. It's normal to have a bedtime feed, a DF and up to 2 NFs at this age.
I do see that you have a day with a feed at 450pm, then nothing until 1030pm DF??? Did you not do a bedtime feed?