I had a few 4 hrly days when he had a 6am NF
So 6 up at 7, 10 (or later and after nap), 2, 5.30/6 (after CN before bath)
But it's easy usually ie 7, 11, 3, then 5.30 because often BT is 6.30
He sometimes STTN till 6 but this as been exhaustion I think. On these nights sometimes I feed him because he's stirring so much. - hence operation swaddle wean tonight.
Otherwise 1-2 NF which usually he ay not need but without a full BT bottle I'm not sure YK?
Because of pressure from pead and dr (no more help till we try it) we are also going to start rice cerial
Oh and no, usually he's so sleepy on feeding in the night he's fine, though since 4 mths he's sake for the secs NF if he has one (or when it's after 3am) probably because he's used to being rocked.