Ok..here goes. My son is fifteen weeks. I breastfed him, nursing only, for the first two months until he was hospitalized with rsv for a week. I had to stop nursing so when he finally came home he was being formula fed ... Well we tried soy milk and he puked bad when i burped him... So we switched..to gerber good start regular..still puked and woke up every hour on the hoir religously...doctor put him on gerber good start soothe for fussy babies bc he became extremely fussy at night. Well he still pukes..and i say puke bc it fills a bib. And he screams bloddy murder. When he eats every three hrs he starts screaming...i mean like someone is hurting him about one hr before hes due to eat. And when he goes to sleep hes up every two hrs and wakes up when i lay him down...i go doc march but plz help me until then.
God bless...krystle