Author Topic: 4month old refusing to eat!! It's been 4days :(  (Read 24341 times)

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4month old refusing to eat!! It's been 4days :(
« on: February 23, 2013, 16:47:55 pm »
My baby boy has turned 4months old today, he was eating 4-5oz every 3hours, but past 4days suddenly he is eating only 2-3oz and refuses to eat, pulls away and starts crying. I have checked, he doesnt have a cold, no stuffed nose, and no teething! What could be wrong then? Iam so worried as he needs this nutrition to grow. We have been using playtex nursers since a very long time, same formula, I did change the mixing water though, could that be the reason?? Also I have started mixing his gas drops in the milk instead of giving him orally, could that be a possibility??

I'm going to try giving him his next feed once he wakes up, was aiming for four hours as he never seemed hungry in 3, but when he eats only 2oz, it gets me really worried and I think I should try to feed him in 3hours. Any suggestions are welcome!

Offline nozzel

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Re: 4month old refusing to eat!! It's been 4days :(
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2013, 18:39:24 pm »
Hi, I am going through the same thing, my dd will be 4 months on Monday and will only drink 3.5-4oz at a time. I am trying to leave the times between feeds to 3.5hours eventually going to 4 hours but she cries with the hunger at 3 hours and then will only drink 3.5-4ozs. I wonder if its the age they are at? Or might be the onset of teething, my little girl also has alot more saliva which is also a sign of teething. Can someone help us please?

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Re: 4month old refusing to eat!! It's been 4days :(
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2013, 18:46:46 pm »
Just looking through other posts and there is a sticky about this
I'm going insane with 3.5-mo hardly eating, HELP!

Lippy Chick posted this which was very helpful - looks like its a developmental thing, still have to read the rest of the comments.

"I saw the HV today and she says it's purely developmental and to just ride it out.  She said there's no real evidence to prove this but anecdotally loads of parents complain at the 16 week mark that everything has changed and that it's really challenging, but that by week 20 they've generally gone back to normal.  We're going to weigh her in two weeks and if I need them in the meantime they're there to talk.  She also said that we'll keep an eye on her vomiting after every feed, as she could be developing reflux.  Also that she was showing signs today of potentially teething.  However, she said that you don't really know they're teething for sure until that first tooth comes through.  She suggested trying a different type of formula which is more gentle on their tummies because of her wind.  Also to give her a wee drink of water every now and again.  I asked about starting to use a cup and she said it'll do no harm to try it.  So she suggested one to try.  She said that she really doesn't think there's anything wrong, but it's just one of those things that can happen and just to ride it out.  Great!!  She said that she's so alert and will become bored easily of her activities and need to do more.  Which we're certainly noticing.

Don't know if this helps you."

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Re: 4month old refusing to eat!! It's been 4days :(
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2013, 18:47:26 pm »
Most formula fed babies need 4 hours between feeds by 4 months so as PP suggested I would space feeds out. If you haven't changed the teat for a while try a faster one.

Does he have any digestive issues like reflux? That can get worse around 4 months.


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Re: 4month old refusing to eat!! It's been 4days :(
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2013, 18:47:49 pm »
hi, it could be that they are beginning to teethe, my dd got her first at 41/2 months and it begins to hurt them before the tooth actually breaks through.
Rishaanim, I would try putting everything back the way it was before and see if that works. Some little ones are very particular about their habits. Also, has their been any tummy bug going around?

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Re: 4month old refusing to eat!! It's been 4days :(
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2013, 19:36:25 pm »
Hi guys..

I have some experience with this behaviour as my ds was the same at around 3-4.5 months. He stopped drinking his milk in one go..and started snacking. I was going out of my mind thinking he has reflux or there is something wrong with him. He ised to drink 3oz at a time. First thing I did was leave 4 hours between each feed. He cried for around 2 day and was then used to being fed every 3.5-4 hours. I also changed from a stage 1 teat to a variflow and that helped alot!! He also seemed tohave started teething at that age and at 22 weeks stil no teeth.

I can remember the worry when he just seemed to turn into a totally different baby..he was constantly fussy wouldnt nap wouldn't feed. I think it is just the age and also teething had a big part to play.  Although he is still teething and feeds alot more at a time.

Hugs coz I know what you're feeling! !  Just try different size teats and try spacing out can do it gradually but I just did it cold turkey!

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Re: 4month old refusing to eat!! It's been 4days :(
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2013, 22:34:09 pm »
How is everyone doing now?

Offline nozzel

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Re: 4month old refusing to eat!! It's been 4days :(
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2013, 15:20:08 pm »
My dd is still not taking full feeds, she now wants to drink about 3oz  every 2 hours during the day and I dont want to leave her cry when she is hungry. I just hope it doesn't lead to a snacking routine. She still wakes up once for a feed during the night except last night she woke up twice. I feel like I am going backwards! I was looking this up on the internet and it seems that a lot of babies go through this at this age but I cant find a solution.

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Re: 4month old refusing to eat!! It's been 4days :(
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2013, 15:46:28 pm »
Can you post your EASY for us?

What flow teat are you on - have you tried a faster one?

Does she have any digestive issues like reflux at all?


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Re: 4month old refusing to eat!! It's been 4days :(
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2013, 17:43:57 pm »
Hi Lolly, she doesnt have any digestive issues, she is on level 2 dr brown teats. I am thinking of trying the level 3. She will drink and then turn her head to the side after awhile to get the teat out and will not drink anymore. She is not feeding for 20 minutes. Her EASY has been all over the place yesterday and today so I wasnt recording it. I will record it tomorrow and get back on.
This was Sat      
 7.20    Eat   5oz
                Activity and Sleep (unrecorded, pro 2 half an hours)
10.45    Eat   3.5oz
 11.00    Sleep   
 12.30    Eat   3.5oz
 14.10    Sleep         
 15.40    Eat   4oz
17.20   Sleep   
18.00   Eat   4oz
18.15   Bath   
18.30   To bed   
19.05   Eat   4oz
20.25   Sleep   
21.55   Eat   3
Around 3.30am another feed - limited to 3oz watered down formula to try and wean off.

That EASY above nap wise looks really good but she usually naps for only 45 minutes, I am trying to read her tired signs but it is very hard to get it right. Thanks for the reply.

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Re: 4month old refusing to eat!! It's been 4days :(
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2013, 17:52:48 pm »
nozzel - I think your A times are too long and it could be that you are mixing tired and hungry cues which is leading to her snacking.

Have a look here chronological EASY samples, 4-6 months, the A time for a  just 4 month old is 2 hours from eyes open to eyes shut. If she is awake at 7, then she needs to be back asleep for 9am and then her feed time will be 4 hours after wake up and after the nap. If she short naps she needs a shorter A time or she will get OT and not nap properly.

I wouldn't be activly weaning the nightfeed at this age either - there is a growth spurt at 4 months and she needs the calories. Many babies don't drop the nightfeeds until they are established on solids after 6 months.

What do you think?


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Re: 4month old refusing to eat!! It's been 4days :(
« Reply #11 on: February 26, 2013, 18:08:35 pm »
Hi Lolly, I'll record again tomorrow, her A times are not usually 2 hours, she would never stay up that long. I had been trying to extend them from 1.2h to  cater for 4 hour EASY. In the morning, she naped for two 45 minutes during that time, I didn't record the time. Thanks again

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Re: 4month old refusing to eat!! It's been 4days :(
« Reply #12 on: February 26, 2013, 19:41:47 pm »
I have to go to town tomorrow so will probably be Thursday before I can get the schedule.
I am going to try and feed every 3.5 hours and get bigger teats and see what happens!

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Re: 4month old refusing to eat!! It's been 4days :(
« Reply #13 on: February 26, 2013, 20:58:34 pm »
Rashaanim - I found this link helpful too
Four to Six Months: A More Grown-up Eater

Offline nozzel

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Re: 4month old refusing to eat!! It's been 4days :(
« Reply #14 on: February 27, 2013, 19:17:54 pm »
Hi guys, I had a breakthrough today - yah : )

So things didnt start off too great.
Eat 3.30am - 5.5oz
Eat 7.05 am - 5oz
Drove to town
Sleep 8.45-9.05
Sleep 10.35-10.55 (I know that this is not enough morning sleep but I had to go into town)
Eat 11.00 - 4.5oz - really had to try hard to get this much into her
Sleep 12.00-14.00
Eat 14.30 - 3oz
Sleep 15.20-16.05
Wait for it, wait for it..................... Eat 18.10 7oz : )
She drained the bottle so I offered her another and she wasnt interested. I'll try again at 20.00
Heres what I did - I bought Teetha, a gel you rub on gums and also bought the next teat up (for 6 months even though she is 4 months)
I rubbed a little on the gums and a few minutes later fed her, she finished the bottle which I am so excited about.
I hope this will last, I remember the last time I changed teats, she eat really well the first day but then not as much after that.