My baby boy has turned 4months old today, he was eating 4-5oz every 3hours, but past 4days suddenly he is eating only 2-3oz and refuses to eat, pulls away and starts crying. I have checked, he doesnt have a cold, no stuffed nose, and no teething! What could be wrong then? Iam so worried as he needs this nutrition to grow. We have been using playtex nursers since a very long time, same formula, I did change the mixing water though, could that be the reason?? Also I have started mixing his gas drops in the milk instead of giving him orally, could that be a possibility??
I'm going to try giving him his next feed once he wakes up, was aiming for four hours as he never seemed hungry in 3, but when he eats only 2oz, it gets me really worried and I think I should try to feed him in 3hours. Any suggestions are welcome!