My LO is 5.5 months old. His daily routine is:
E: 7 am wake and morning bottle (6-7oz)
A: till 8:45-9
S: 9-11 (not continuous, but he usually naps off and on for this period)
E: 11 (usually 6oz)
A: till 1ish
S: 1-3 (same as above)
E: 3 (usually 7oz)
A: till about 5
S: catnap, anywhere between 5-6 for 30-45mins
E: rice cereal (about 1.5 Tbsp) around 6:15
A: play and bath is around 6:45
E: BT bottle around 7, usually 6-7 oz
S: usually in bed by 7:30
E: DF at 11 usually 6oz
I need to add that I usually put about 3 tsp of rice cereal in each bottle (mostly due to reflux/spit-up). He also has been waking up around 5 am and needs to be settled with paci. Usually once or twice. Sometimes every 20-30 minutes till wake-up. He's getting really good at settling himself, but this one he has a harder time.
So, here's my problem: he's not always interested in eating. Especially at the DF and first thing in the morning. Even if he doesn't take a full DF, he doesn't gulp is bottle down. I'm wondering if he might be trying to drop the DF. If he takes a full DF, he most of the time doesn't take a full morning feed. Thoughts and TIA!