Looks like it is our turn for the nap dropping
. I have been looking at a few other post and it looks like I am in good company.
It started a couple of weeks ago with him just not going to sleep some days for his nap. He will gladly take his blanket and go in his crib, he just won't fall asleep. He will play for up to 1.5 hrs when I finally just go get him.
A normal nap day is
7:30 wake up
8:00 breakfast
10:00 snack
12:00 lunch
1:00-3:30 nap
3:30 snack
5:30 dinner
7:00 bath
7:30 bed
So I guess the question is do I just keep offering the nap as he still will nap 4 out of 7 days?? And if he doesn't nap what time should bedtime be?
I am so not ready for no naps