we're currently dropping DF (gradually dropping an oz every3 days) & doing ok. However- lo is still waking between 5-6am. I have got into a habit of feeding her

& she then sleeps until 7-7:30.
My question is, do I get rid of the DF first, then use the same technique for the 5am feed?!!!
Also- we are still on 4 bottles a day as lo has two daytime naps (& needs them!) but shouldn't we really be on 3?
Lo is 11 months & loves her milk too much!! She is teething at the mo- so solid intake has lowered, but she is usually a good 3 meal/2dessert a day girl!
I'm just a bit confused by it all. I'm going to try not to feed her at 5 am tonight.....see what happens?
Average day now is
7:15 wake & bottle
8:30 solids
10:30 bottle & nap
12:30 solids
3:30 bottle & nap
5:00 solids
7:15 bottle & bed
This varies from day to day by 15 mins or so. She will sleep in car/pram & always goes to her cot awake & self soothes.
Any advice gladly appreciated!