Hi everyone,
That moment has come where I'm so desperate I'm on here at 2.45am searching for answers!! Please help me from putting my son in a moses basket and leaving him at someone's door!!
I'll try to be concise. Leon was a fantastic sleeper (6pm-6am with DF) until mid Jan where everything seemed to go out of the window. We think he got a bit of a cold, then bad teething, then this Gollum like cough which is still lingering and then the vomiting virus last week. This has all resulted in a really erratic sleeping pattern which has brought me to the brink of despair.
His Easy looks a bit like this -
WU - 6am
E - 6.15am (7oz)
E- 8am (solids - not that interested in it)
S - 9.30am - 11.30am
E - 12.30am (solids - not that interested in it)
E - 2pm (7oz)
S - 3/3.30pm - 4.30pm
E - 5.30 (solids - not that interested in it)
Bath - 6.30pm
Bottle (7oz) and bed by 7pm
I know that last stretch is only 2.5 hrs of A time but he's fine going down as he's only had about an hour/hour half of sleep beforehand. We never really have an issue getting him to go down for bedtime.
Now the several NW occur. Most of them before 11pm are quick replugs of the dummy, maybe with a quick pickup if he's really upset. But then from 11pm - 3am he either wakes really really crying (like a nightmare!?) or what we just had for the last 20 mins, babbling and sitting up and then eventually crying. I think with the illnesses I've become a prop for him as it seems like he needs me to calm himself down. Is he crying to get me in the room as there is no fussing beforehand - just straight out WAAAA?
On the positive side he doesn't need to fall asleep on me and most of the time my prop usage is simply pick up, walk a bit, talk a bit, dummy in, head on shoulder, rock for 30 seconds, put down in crib still awake but sleepy and off he goes by himself (I've left the room).
How can we stop this from happening? I don't really want to do PUPD as I don't think I have the guts for it.
Oh -also to mention, I did feed him at 1am this morning and he took nearly a full 7oz bottle so he was hungry as he's still off his solids but it only kept him asleep for about 45 mins and then he was crying again.
Any ideas what the hell is going on!!???