Author Topic: Nervous about going out on EASY  (Read 812 times)

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Nervous about going out on EASY
« on: March 06, 2013, 01:44:07 am »
Hi there
I wondered if anyone has any tips for me. DD is 11wks old and has been on a EASY for nearly 5 weeks. now we are over a few hiccups (short naps / poss reflux etc) we are doing v v v well and her day looks pretty much like this one yesterday:

E 0700 - Awake and Feed
A 0730
S 0830
E 1100
A 1130
S 1230
E 1430
A 1500
S 1600
A 1700
E 1730
A 1800 (bath / massage)
E 1830
S 1900 BED

I cluster feed / split feed her after the afternoon nap as she doesnt take a DF (cld never get her to early on so dropped it) and she now sleeps most night through 0630 / 0700 or occasionally will wake for a feed 4/5am.

I have stayed at home mostly the last couple of weeks to get her into the schedule as 2 weeks ago she started doing 35 min naps for all sleeps!! Anyway we have totally conquered that.. but now I am almost nervous of going out with her during a sleep time.. as not 100% sure if she will do it in the pram..She used to before the short nap period.. but now she seems so used to sleep time being in the cot.. I have bought a black out shade for the pram and tomorrow have mothers grp / playgroup planned which will be in the middle of her lunchtime sleep.. I plan to take her out  from 1200 ish (her nap time) and go the group for 1 and see if she stays sleeping in the pram till 2 and then she can join in..
How do you adust the day if you have to go out and LO missed or doesnt do a full sleep? For example tomorrow - do I just try and get her to do a longer afternoon nap if she doesnt nap well in the pram at lunchtime?

I also need to get out as am worried will end up housebound as I will become too nervous to muck up the schedule!!

Any advice??


Offline Ima shel Alon

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Re: Nervous about going out on EASY
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2013, 08:50:09 am »
It's really important for both you and your LO that you will be able to go out, BW is not a house arrest, lol :).
On days you go out she might end a bit OT, but if you make sure that the next day you are at home for naps then she should be catching up on her sleep and will be ok.
If she is interested in sleeping more in the PM after going out then I'd let her, but she might actually do an OT nap (30-35min) and then you'd need to squeeze another CN to get her to BT.
After you do this a few times you'll already notice if she sleeps when you are out and about or stays awake and perhaps in the future you can plan better the outing according to A or S times, but that of course doesn't always work.
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Offline kmz

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Re: Nervous about going out on EASY
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2013, 23:57:16 pm »
Thank you! I know.. I feel a bit crazy being scared of going out.. but your message makes sense --if she is OT one day she can catch up the next! I just need to get out there and not worry so much!! Its funny... when I was pregnant .. I was all " the baby will fit in with us".... how wrong was I!!

Offline Ima shel Alon

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Re: Nervous about going out on EASY
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2013, 16:13:37 pm »
when I was pregnant .. I was all " the baby will fit in with us".... how wrong was I!!
That was so me!!! I didn't even think about sleep, I just knew he will sleep whenever I wanted him to - NOT!!!
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