Author Topic: 11 hour day?  (Read 842 times)

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Offline clairew11

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11 hour day?
« on: March 07, 2013, 07:32:16 am »
Should I be aiming for a 12 hour day, at the moment ours is 11 and I don't know if this is making anything worse. Charlie as silent reflux so our easy is a bit up and down and he has to had meds 20-30 mins before feeds so this knocks things slightly. When he's not ill and his reflux is mostly under control out day looks like this

NF around 4-5am, I only give him enough to get him through to morning and settle 3-4oz, however this means he will sleep until around
8am up and meds
E 8.20am - he sometimes won't take much here because of the nf

E 11.30am - he always wants to eat earlier than 4 hours as he just won't eat much first thing
S 1-1.30

Sometimes he will have a catnap other times he refuses it depends how good a nap he has at lunchtime

6,45 top  up and bed by 7

Our day does vary but this is somewhere near, as you can see because of his short e time in the morning our day ends up 11 hours. Should I be waking him at 7 or leaving him until he wakes, I admit being a little lazy as getting up for a nf I just want to sleep as much as I can esp as my oh takes my two year old down and sorts him.

Any advice much appreciated x

Offline clairew11

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Re: 11 hour day?
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2013, 07:34:51 am »
Sorry He his 5 months old and ff x

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Re: 11 hour day?
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2013, 18:51:51 pm »
How long does he sleep here?
It looks like his A times need some tweaking. At his age he should be doing around 2:15-2.5h A time, so IIWY I would be pushing the A towards that gradually, increase by 10-15min and stick to it for 3-4 days. If naps are still UT (45min-1:20h) then I'd up the A time again. The increased A and good naps should accumulate to a 12h day, so probably your BT will shift to around 20 (or earlier if he is OT).
If the routine was all right and he did 11 day - 13 night then I'd leave it, because some babies are high on sleep needs, but I don't think it's the case with your LO.
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Offline clairew11

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Re: 11 hour day?
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2013, 09:34:57 am »
Thanks, I would ideally like a 7-7 so will work on getting him up at 7 regardless and down by 7 at the latest, will try pushing the a times.
