We;ve been having a bit of nap silliness lately- on friday (it's sunday) he went in to the bed at about 11.45 or so- after a 7.30 wake up- and then fused and played in the cot for a good hour if not a little more!! Finally i gave up and got him up- he ended up having a nap in the car for about 45 mins that afternoon.
YEsterday he came home at about 10.30 and DH put him into the bed at about 11.30 or 1140.. and had about 20 minutes of fussing but then a 2 hour nap.
Today we were out till about 12 or so- put hi in bed, he SEEMED really tired and ready- but now has been fussing and playing for 25 minutes!! I've even taken out of the cot his toy as he was being silly with that...
SOOO- do you think at this age i'm working on way too short a first A time? Or am i missing his window and he's going down too tired? He has been on an 11.30 nao for about 2-3 months.. Usually he goes down at 11.30 at mum's in the week....