So, we've hit the 2 - 1 transition...yippee! (NOT!) LOL

I've been trying to do the long AM nap/short PM nap combo and it just really isn't working. Ladies on the nap board suggested I try the reverse of short AM/long PM. I am going to *try* to attempt a short nap (40mins) at 9:30am and a long PM nap at 1pm.
So...our bottle feeds are generally 7am - 2:15pm - 7pm give or take depending on the day. So, provided he is having a nice loooong nap in the afternoon (ie. 1pm - 3pm) where do I put that 2:15pm bottle? Before the nap? After? I'm worried that if I do it after he won't be full enough through the nap, but if I do it before, it's a long stretch until the BT bottle.