I was hoping for some advice with my 9 month old. Last week he got an ear infection and completely refused any drinks from his bottle/cup. I went to the GP and he gave him antibiotics and he seems to be a lot better now. However he is still refusing to drink. I’m putting as much fluids into this food as i can and he’s eating a lot more solids than he was previously (approx 2 or 3 times more). I was wondering whether anyone had any tips on how to get him drinking again? His old routine used to be
7.30 Solids
8.30 Bottle
12.30 Solids
13.30 Bottle
16.30 Solids
17.30 Bottle
19.00 Bottle
But now it is just the 3 solid meals a day and not evening taking water at the meals. Any advice would be very much appreciated!