My son is 13 months old and only started sleeping through the night last week (he woke up 2x per night before that) and I can tell we are getting off track again. We had problems with sleep from the beginning of his life - he had trouble gaining weight as a newborn and as a result he was very needy and clingy, especially at sleep time. He formed a lot of bad habits early on and we have had trouble breaking them. I knew about Shh Pat, PUPD, etc. but nothing worked for him. I truly believe we are the 1% of people for whom nothing would have worked at the time.
Getting him to sleep has always been a challenge and, no matter how we tried, we weren't able to eliminate his sleep "props" for a long time. He goes to sleep with a pacifier and I leave several in his crib at night. We have progressed so that we can put him down in his crib fully awake and he will go to sleep by himself without crying, but only at bed time.
At his first nap time, I still nurse him to put him down. It's the only time I nurse him, now. I have tried just giving him a bottle, giving him nothing, rocking him, letting him cry with me, letting him cry without me, picking him up when he is crying and then putting him down immediately when he is not and sitting by his crib. Nursing does not work for the second nap. He gets drowsy, bites me and then "wakes up" abruptly and wants to play.
A month ago, he started waking up much earlier than usual. I read one of Kim West's (Sleep Lady) newsletters that made me think he may have gone down to 1 nap per day too early (2 hour nap). This is what I changed when he started sleeping through the night:
- Tried to institute two naps per day (total sleep of 2.5 - 3 hours during the day. 4-5 hours between naps)
- Moved his bedtime 30 minutes earlier
After two days, he started sleeping through the night. He slept for 12.5 hours/night for 3 nights in a row, along with maintaining the two naps per day.
Then, I couldn't get him down for the second nap.
It's been 5 days since he had 2 naps per day. We are currently averaging 1.5 hours of sleep during the day. He is so overtired by the end of the day that I often put him down at 5:30. Now, he has started waking early again (back to 11 hours of sleep). I know he needs the second nap, but I just can't figure out how to get him to take it.
Please help!!!
Right now, this is a rough version of our schedule - the times vary so much, depending on whether he sleeps for 11 hours or 12 hours, but this is a basic idea.
~5:30/6 AM Wake Up (sometimes is 4:30 AM and he plays in his crib until 5/5:15)
EAT Breakfast
Activity time: Play, watch mom do errands, etc.
Sleep: Nap #1 ~ 9:45/10. Wakes ~11 (1 hr 20 min - 1 hr 45 min).
EAT Lunch
Activity time: Play outside, playground
Sleep: Starts showing signs of tiredness around 2. I try to put him to sleep at 2, then at 3, then at 4. It doesn't Work.
EAT Dinner
SLEEP: In Bed for the night at 5:30/6.