Author Topic: 8.5 month old - should he have 3 bottles per day  (Read 1146 times)

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Offline JaxMomNeedsSleep

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8.5 month old - should he have 3 bottles per day
« on: March 12, 2013, 17:24:54 pm »
my 8.5 month old son currently has 4 bottles per day of 6 oz each, and 3 meals of solids.  i'm finding it hard to fit 4 bottles into the day, as well as solids.  i've tried to give him more than 6 oz, but he never has more than that in one sitting.  would 18 oz per day be enough at this point?  i feel like he isn't eating enough solids lately as he is full from me stuffing him full of formula, lol.  i know the formula is more beneficial, so i'm tempted to cut down on solids?  here is our easy:

W 6:00am
E  6:15am 6 oz formula
E  7:30am solids
S  9:15am - 10:25am

E  10:30am, 6oz
E  11:30am solids
E  1:30pm, 6oz
S  1:45pm - 3:00

E  3:30pm solids
E  4:00pm, 6oz
E 6:00pm, top up of formula
S 6:15 or 6:30

I try to feed him as much as he will eat just before bed - normally 3 oz or so.

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Re: 8.5 month old - should he have 3 bottles per day
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2013, 03:45:56 am »
For sure I would drop to 3 bottles...  You do want to keep him around 24ozs a day at this age... around 10 months, most drop down to 20 ozs.

Here is a link to sample routines for varying numbers of bottles each day...

Sample routines for dropping bottles (daytime core hours only)