How old is your LO honey?
Sounds like a lot of milk - why did you go back to 3hrly feeds? Was it because of illness?
I would start by working on pushing those bottles out again, and then you can do this as a general plan for the day:
WU and bottle feed
Solids an hour later
*Nap 1*
Bottle at WU from nap
Solids an hour later
*Nap 2*
Bottle at WU from nap
Solids a hour later
*CN in here if you still have one*
Bottle at BT
Don't worry so much about the exact times between bottles - it's not like when they're newborn and need regular feeds. It's very common at this age for feeds earlier in the day to be more spread out and then things to cluster towards the end of the day. As an example at 6-7 months my DD had BF at 6.30/7, 11.30, 3.30/4 and 6.30/7 with solids in between (though didn't do three meals until 7m)
Are you having some help with the NWs?