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Offline CNB23

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2am Crib Party
« on: March 18, 2013, 22:18:43 pm »
I have had my 8 month old daughter on E.A.S.Y for 1.5 months. It was hard and I slept on the floor in her room for 3 nights but the end result was a baby who was sleeping all night.  It's been going wonderfully until a few weeks ago when she caught her first cold. She had to sleep sitting up on my shoulder for almost a week because she was so congested. She's better now but no matter what we do, she's having a crib party at 2am, which lasts for nearly 1.5 hours, every night. If my husband goes in to resettle her, she won't cry when he leaves and will just babble until she passes out again, but if I go in, she has a fit if I even take a step towards the door. I can't do PU/PD with her because she gets too overstimulated. I just put my hand on her until she calms down, which is pretty quick.
Her day goes like this:

8:00am -wake and bottle (she will only take about 3-4 oz)
8:30am -breakfast of pureed fruit and oatmeal (about 2 tsp of each)
10:00am-11:00am (ish) - nap
11:00am-11:30am -bottle/ lunch (Varies. Usually Veg and a starch or soup)
1:30pm - nap (usually about 1.5-2hrs)
5:30pm -supper (whatever we are having and some baby cereal)
6:30pm - bath, bottle and story
7:30pm - bedtime
10:00pm -dreamfeed (about 4 oz of expressed milk)

I've tried to get rid of the dreamfeed a few times but she would always wake up at midnight for food. She was definitely hungry. Unfortunately, she was small at birth: 5 lbs, 12 oz at full term and has never had a big appetite. Until she was 6 months old, she would only take 2 oz at a time. I had to pump my milk, so that I could document for the Dr how much she was taking in at each session. She will only feed from a bottle now as a result. She is still on the low end for weight but very healthy and active. I have not successfully been able to extend her A time during the day. After her last nap, she can go to 4 hours but during the day she is rubbing her eyes and yawning if she goes more than 2.5 hours (usually). She will start to scream if I try to hold off and her nap is horrible if that happens. Any suggestions? Also, a few times we have been out all day and she has only had 20-30min catnaps during that time, which for some reason results in her sleeping all night. I know she needs good naps during the day but it seems like it's too much sleep sometimes.  She is teething right now but has been for 2 months.

Offline becj86

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Re: 2am Crib Party
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2013, 10:02:32 am »
You could be seeing a bit of separation anxiety - Tips for seperation anxiety

I think part of the reason you're having trouble with nights could be the length of A times she's having. You actually are almost doing a 2-3-4 routine which some babies thrive on, so it may not be this at all. To determine this, when in the night is she waking? How small is she? Do you think she might be genuinely hungry at 2am? Have you tried feeding her?

Are you medicating for teething pain?

Offline CNB23

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Re: 2am Crib Party
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2013, 02:43:39 am »
Thanks for replying  :)

She's about 16 lbs now. She was waking up at 2am for about 5 nights and staying awake until 3:30ish. I did try feeding her a few times and she will definitely take a couple of ounces but doesn't seem desperate for it. If we skip the dream feed though, she will wake up with a hungry cry. For the teething, we use Hyland's teething tablets at the dream feed, or Motin in she's clearly in pain. It didn't make much of a difference.
Last night was actually much better. She was pretty miserable yesterday and seemed really tired. Her first nap was 2 hours, second nap was 1.5 hours and she still needed a cat nap before supper because there was no consoling her. She was still in bed by 7:30pm and slept until 6am -yay! I was so surprised that she went all night after her long naps but I guess she needed it. I'm really hoping for a repeat performance tonight.
I haven't heard of the 2-3-4 routine. Is it good? I've been trying to get her on a consistent 3 hour routine but she just can't make it that long most of the time. If she hits that overtired stage, I'm lucky to get a 25 min nap out of her. It wasn't until I read the Baby Whisperer book that I could get her to nap for more than 40 min. She was the queen of the cat naps.
I'm wondering now if it is separation anxiety because she has been very clingy lately and will not let me leave the room most days. I guess she is right at that age now.

Offline becj86

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Re: 2am Crib Party
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2013, 09:42:26 am »
I haven't heard of the 2-3-4 routine. Is it good?
I'm not sure where it comes from - just heard of it and my son did 4-3-2 :P BW is all about listening to what your LO is saying she needs.

Its often suggested to increase the first A time if LO is having a cot party in the early hours or having early wakings. The longer A time discourages the early waking as LO's body adapts to knowing there's going to be a nice big nap soon after waking for the day, so no need to consolidate sleep so much at night.

Offline CNB23

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Re: 2am Crib Party
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2013, 16:10:24 pm »
Thanks! She's been sleeping better for 3 nights now, so hopefully we're over this hump for good :)