Author Topic: 5.5 months still awake half the night  (Read 784 times)

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Offline bexandlucy

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5.5 months still awake half the night
« on: March 19, 2013, 08:07:47 am »
M is 24 weeks, fully breastfed, just started a touch of BLW last few days but nothing really eaten.

Night sleep was good until we introduced a dummy at 18 weeks and since then it has been a nightmare, he was waking every hour for the dummy, but even then not settling well between.

He seems to have overcome the dependence for it by himself, and can resettle without it, but we have developed some bad habits along the way, mostly bed sharing when he gets bad and I get so tired.

For the last week or so he has now started waking around 3 for a feed but won't settle back down, no matter what. He was awake for 2 hours last night until OH gave in and cuddled him and he fell asleep. He just didn't want to lie down, seemed very wakeful. He wasn't crying that time, he was mostly grunting and chatting a bit, and moaning, but I know from expense if he's like that it'll soon end up at crying, we have a tiny house and I'm scared of waking the toddler up. He was lying on his tummy, and I was shh ing and stroking his head, which calms him, but as soon as I stopped he was awake again.

Yesterday's EASY went like this:
Woke at 6:30 after a very unsettled few hours, fed and was awake for about half hour lthen dozed off a d I let him sleep till 8:15
E 10
S 10:30 (he fell asleep feeding but I roused him andpopped him in crib)
Woke 12
E 14
S 14:30 - 16:15
E 18:15 & 18:50 (he was still hungry)
Bed at 7
Woke at 11:40 fed back to sleep
Woke at 2:30 fed back to sleep but woke as soon as I put him down, was awake till 4:30
Awake and fed at 6:30

Because he had that short nap in the morning it threw me, he usually has a catnap around 5 for 45 mins, but it didn't make any difference last night. Apart from yesterday he has been doing a 45 min morning nap but then making up for it with a super long (2 hr +) midday nap.p

Should I be trying to make up for night time sleep lost today?
I do need to move him into a cot as he is outgrowing the crib, he has dummy and lovey, And self settles well for naps and initially at bedtime.

Any advice would be appreciated x


Offline becj86

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Re: 5.5 months still awake half the night
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2013, 09:51:02 am »
What does a typical day look like? At this age, A times should be around 2.5hr or a little more.

I suspect not settling in the early hours of the morning could be related to needing more A time in the morning. He's probably heading in the direction of this transition: All about the 3-2 transition- 5/6 months He may not be there yet, but it will likely happen soon.