Hi all
I am bfing DS2, but need the flexibility of a bottle sometimes because DS1 gets very upset when I bf him and DS1 also has a crazy schedule with speech and occupational therapy and will also be starting preschool on April 1st. I have been pumping, but feel like I don't get too much at each session -- often 2, maybe 3 oz. I will sometimes pump right after bfing DS or in between his feeding sessions (which means I am bfing and pumping constantly!!), but I don't see how I am going to build up a decent stash of ebm. Anyone who bf'ed and also put ebm in a bottle, what kind of a pumping schedule were you on?
Additionally, because I sometimes only get 2oz per pumping session, I wonder if DS is getting enough when he nurses. There are times that he seems satisfied, and other times that he does not. Sometimes I end up giving him an ounce or two more in a bottle and then he seems fine after drinking that. Could I not be producing enough milk? Or could pumping be interfering with what DS is getting when he nurses?
I am trying to make this work, but I need a little help!! Thanks!