Hello! I have a 2 month old son who eats half formula and half pumped breast milk. He started to refuse bottles(even though he never latched on and has been bottle feed since 10 days old). yesterday he only ate 15oz which is much less than usual and would act hungry but start crying after 1-2oz. i tried different formula, nipples, only formula, only breastmilk, warmer, cooler and nothing helped. he also barely slept 11 hours ( including his night time sleep) and was very fussy. When trying to bottle feed he would kick his legs and wave his arms and pull his head back and i tried a faster nipple thinking he wasnt getting anything but then he would just let it all come out the sides. the MD thought reflux so we have been on zantac for about 3 weeks with no help. He is just generally a fussy baby...maybe colic maybe gas. we have tried gripe water and also mylicon with no help. honestly he seemed worse when we gave him mylicon!
Please help!