Author Topic: 3yo waking almost every night between 12.30-2, please help!  (Read 903 times)

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Offline Lou'sMum

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3yo waking almost every night between 12.30-2, please help!
« on: March 22, 2013, 09:36:00 am »
Hi All,

My 3yo boy has been a rollercoaster of a sleeper and we have a good few months of decent sleep and then he goes crazy again. Were having another crazy time just now.

He's waking up between 12.30 and 2 crying out for me or daddy and when we go in he tells us he doesnt want to go back to sleep and seems pretty awake. Sometimes I can get away with saying "ok, if you don't want to sleep I cant make you, but mummy and daddy need to sleep so please lie quiet as a mouse" and he will – god knows when he goes back to sleep right enough. And other times he is up for about an hour or more whining and shouting out.

He did get a nice new baby bother in September, but he was sleeping well then and he has started big boy nursery (at the school) at the beginning of the month but from what I can see he LOVES it. Also picking up every bug/chest infection etc.

If he has a long nw I try hard to get a nap into him but hes v resisting. And these days BT is 7-7.15 and he wakes after 6. We have a groclock and it made a huge difference before but not working now. He knows he has to go to bed and stay quiet as a mouse till the sun comes up but not happening.

Having trouble with DS2 just now who is waking at 11.30 or so, then I get back to sleep and am up with DS1 then get back to sleep and am up again with DS2 at 4.30, 5.30 and up at 6.30 so you can imagine i'm beat!

Can anyone help me figure out whats going on? He was a reflux baby and sometimes I do wonder if that is still lingering. I'm at a loss what to do and am starting to get really angry with him (which kills me and I feel soooooo guilty)


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Re: 3yo waking almost every night between 12.30-2, please help!
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2013, 09:38:37 am »
Guess he has dropped his nap and has all his teeth??

Offline Lou'sMum

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Re: 3yo waking almost every night between 12.30-2, please help!
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2013, 10:04:06 am »

Yes, the nap has gone unless I can pin him down. And yip, got all his teeth. x

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Re: 3yo waking almost every night between 12.30-2, please help!
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2013, 10:08:15 am »
When you say the Groclock is 'not working now', what happens when he wakes at 6? What time is the clock set for? Have you considered trialling meds again for his reflux?

Offline dijjibob

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Re: 3yo waking almost every night between 12.30-2, please help!
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2013, 14:00:58 pm »
My 3.8 year old seems to have dropped her overall sleep needs, she used to be tired at 7pm and easily fall asleep sleeping 12 hours but often now she has only 11.5 hours a night and wakes by 6.30. She still stats in bed until her sheep wakes up( kids sleep clock) but I am concerned that if this happens too often it will stop working.
We get some night wakes too, usually if she had napped in day for sons reason( usually as been in car late afternoon )
I think she needs a later bedtime and the nap has to go totally,
Do you think your ds  sleep requirements are changing?