excuse me for a tiny hijack (if i may please!), i just want to get on board set naps and bt again, and want to know what set nap times should i set if our wu is 5am? For 2 months we have had ew, and bt is now as early as we can get to compensate, though still 13.5-14hr days (sigh). DD is pushing 17mths.
In the last few days i have started a 6:30pm pd, asleep at 6:50pm, but wu is from 4:40am-5:05am. (I'd prefer wu to be 6am.) We have had teeth issues with molars which are still sloowly arriving, and now a canine is popping through, and traditionally a 10h20min night has been DD's forte. She's lucky to get even that now.
Anyway is 11am set nap ok for a 5am wu? And 6:30pm bt? Our naps have been 1h15-30min of late. It's been less than 12hr sleep in 24 for a while now... Poor DD.