Around this age we had to get a night light for Z, it helped him feel safer and he could find things easier ie lovey, pacis, for you water maybe
Ok, he will scream...he wants you to pick him up. This is why DH did it in our house too. We couldn't stay in there either, he was worse if we were in there all the time. Unfortunately at this age I don't think there is a 'no cry' solution for a lot of them, but consistency with a previous independent sleeper will pay off fast I think. Like 3 days and you should be able to be in and out in 5 mins.
With Z we had over an hour closer to 2 the first night, he is uber spirited
next night was 45 then 5. DH learnt pretty quick what was 'I need you' vs angry tantrum too.
It is really really hard at this age
but were all were to help you if you want to try WI/WO x