Hi Ladies!! My name is Kate and I found your site through a friend. I am hoping you could give me some answers as to what I'm doing wrong. This is my first baby and going into this I had no idea babies didn't sleep when they were tired. Naive eh? Here is my info:
My LO is 20 weeks old and slept through the night from 6 weeks to 3 months when we transitioned him from bassinet to crib (both of which are in our room). LO has reflux, is EBF (no bottles) and a chronic cat napper. Since the transition, he has taken to waking every 2-3 hours in the night. I started being stricter with his naps and he started sleeping 6 hour stretches, and then up again every 2-3 until morning. This lasted for about a week and then went back to normal. Every month or so his reflux meds need to be adjusted due to his weight and it throws off his sleep. Recently, he's waking every two hours and still only napping for 30 - 50 minutes. He also eats about every two hours during the day which is a stretch from every one hour which went on until about 3 months, which stretched to 1.5 hours and now 2. We hold him upright for 20 minutes after each feed. He used to be swaddled and is currently sleeping in Merlin's Magic Sleep Suit. A typical schedule for us is:
8:00 wake
Nurse (both sides)
9:30 Nap
10:00 wake
Nurse (both sides)
11:30 Nap
12:00 wake
Nurse (both sides)
Solids (rice cereal or oatmeal)
1:30 nap
2:00 wake
Nurse (both sides)
3:30 nap
4:00 wake
5:30 Nap (this nap is usually hard and takes us longer to get him down for. Depending on what time he goes down, he wakes half an hour later and is up until bedtime)
8:00 bedtime
(routine is PJs, Reflux Meds, Story, Nurse, Bed)
Props - DS is nursed to sleep at night and bounced or rocked to sleep for naps although I can put him in his crib when he is drowsy for naps and he will doze off
I know I probably have quite a few bad habits but I need HELP!! we are so tired and I can't even nap during the day when he does because it takes me 30 minutes to fall asleep! I have tried jiggling him 20 minutes into his nap to extend it. Out of 13 tries, it worked once. I don't know what else to do.
Props - we do rock LO to sleep