Hi everyone! Please could someone give me some advice on my 18 month old sleep issues

He used to sleep 7pm - 6ish with a 2 hrs nap 12 -2/2:30. He then went through a spell off 5am wake ups so decided to move his bedtime to 6:30 to try combat the EW. It worked for a little while and then he got sick and things have now got out of control. He still goes to bed at 6:30 without a fuss but has been waking at 5am and will just not go back to sleep. We have tried wi/wo but it seems to just aggravate him and his cry very quickly becomes a scream and will just not resettle. I have also tried sitting next to the cot until he falls asleep again and as much as he tries he is just so restless and ends up constantly standing up wanting out. He is ready to start the day. I then put him down for his nap at 11/11:30 as I don't want him to become overtired but he will only sleep 45 mins, if I'm really lucky 1hr20. I really don't think this is enough sleep in a day if he is waking at 5:30 and going to sleep at 6:30. The last 2 mornings have now become 4:30am WU's and can see this is starting to spiral out of control. My husband and I are beyond exhausted and just not sure how to tackle this?? DS is clearly OT, but have no idea how to get him to sleep for longer. He has all this teeth ( except for his 2 yr molars) so isn't teething, eats very well and isn't sick.
Can anyone suggest what time I should give him his nap if he wakes at 4:30am? Or should I just be consistent and give him a set nap at 11:30am??
Would love to hear your thought!
One exhausted mummy