Author Topic: Please help! Struggling with just the basics of wind down  (Read 855 times)

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Offline Islaclaire

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Please help! Struggling with just the basics of wind down
« on: March 30, 2013, 06:22:35 am »
Hi there, I wonder if someone can help me. My 5 and a half month old daughter was getting very dependent on being breasted or rocked to sleep. She started waking lots during the night leaving my husband and I knackered. A friend recommended Tracy's book which makes perfect sense and for the past two days we have been implementing a 4hr routine using pu/pd. the only thing is I'm a little confused on how to get her to sleep after a wind down if she is laying in her cot happy but still not drowsy. Do I say good night sleep time and walk out of the room? In which has she lies there kicking for half an hour until she starts to grizzle or do we pick her up and sh pat her until she's drowsy? Or is that just creating another prop?

Pu/pd does seem to be working but age has to be crying before she goes to sleep. If she's happy how do we get her drowsy without getting her into hysterics?

Any advice on simply how to put her down to sleep would be fantastic

Thanks xx
« Last Edit: March 30, 2013, 06:55:21 am by Islaclaire »

Offline PaulsMom

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Re: Please help! Struggling with just the basics of wind down
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2013, 11:33:46 am »
Hi there. 

Here's some info on the 4S wind down.  What does a good wind down consist of (Includes 4S ritual)

Prior to getting my dd to bed, I do the same set of activities so she knows its either time for nap or bt.  For example for naps, I will do a diaper change, read stories, put her into her sleep sack, then lullaby and then crib.  I lower the blinds before nap time because I find it easier. 

When I was sleep training her, I would have to shh pat her until she was drowsy and then put her down.  I tend to not use pu/pd.  if she starts to cry, I would continue to shh her and rub her tummy since she's on her back.  I'll do this until she's calm and then see if she falls asleep.  If she cries again, I'll go back to shh rub. If she got frantic, I'll pick up and do the shh pat until she calms down, put her back into the crib and then do the shh rub.

Our bt routine is bath, bf, story, sleep sack and bed.  Again for calming I would do shh rub when she's in the crib.

Wrt shh pat becoming a prop, I suppose if you always use it to put her to sleep before putting her down, then yes. But if you use it to calm her and make her drowsy and let her fall asleep on her own, then no.

Hope this helps.

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Re: Please help! Struggling with just the basics of wind down
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2013, 12:08:24 pm »
PP has given you some great advice :)

Just wanted to add, if she's lying happily awake in her cot for so long, I suspect she might not be quite tired enough to nap yet. How long is she normally up for before you put her down? The average awake time at this age is around 2.5hrs. If you'd like to post your routine, we can take a look for you?

Offline Islaclaire

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Re: Please help! Struggling with just the basics of wind down
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2013, 12:55:07 pm »
Thank you so much the reply! As I said we've only been Doing this for 2 days so today she...

Awake - 6.10am
S- 6.20am (shhing & pu/pd) until we woke her up at 7
A-7.30 playing on matt and went for a walk with dad
S- 9.10 - she napped for 45mins but shhh and pu/pd for half an hr and she slept another 40mins
E- tasting small amounts of solids at 12
S- we put her down at 1pm but she played in her cot for 20mins then got grizzly and we shh'd and when we started crying pu pd she went to sleep just before 2pm and slept until 3
E- 3pm
A - 3.20, played on matt in garden, in swing, went for walk
S- catnap at 5.15 until 5.40 in pram
A - bath time 6pm
E - 6.20 - 6.40, wind down cuddle
S- played in cot for about 25 mins, i said goodnight and left the room and when she started to grizzle went in and shh'd until she went to sleep at 7.15

She's still asleep now

Also at 5mths do I still give her a dream feed?

Thank you thank you! X

Offline Islaclaire

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Re: Please help! Struggling with just the basics of wind down
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2013, 13:00:25 pm »
Also the thing is she does seem tired when we put her down for a nap more often than not she's been rubbing her eyes like she's tired??

Offline Papaya

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Re: Please help! Struggling with just the basics of wind down
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2013, 14:16:24 pm »
I've just seen that you're already getting advice on your post in General Sleep, so I'm going to lock this thread and link to keep all the advice in one place :)  Anyone with advice to share, please do so here:

Re: Confused! Need some clarification with initially putting baby down to sleep