Reading this, maybe I need to cut it to just a 30 minute nap starting 3 hours and 15 min after she wakes? Scruffymax, I know you do set naps, but I'm not sure that will work with my DD's long A times?
"Average ‘A’ time for toddlers :
*Average A time for toddlers at this age is mostly 5 hours, some are already up to 6 hours. Several routines include slightly earlier bedtimes to make up for LO still being very tired during this very early transition period.
*After 10 months of age - average A times based on naps:
A) 20 min am nap 2h-3h20m hours A time, then PM nap
B) 30 min am nap 2h45m - 3h30m hours A time, then PM Nap
C) 45min AM nap 3h15m-4 hours A time, then PM nap
D) 60 min nap, 3h30m-4 hours A time, then PM nap"