Author Topic: to wake to not - dinner is served...  (Read 715 times)

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to wake to not - dinner is served...
« on: April 04, 2013, 23:06:31 pm »
LO is 16.5 weeks old
the last few days have been a little off b/c we have been very mobile - in and out of the car, stores and such.

he gets his morning nap at home usually 1.5 -2.5 hours long
and in the car he sleeps  during travel time usually 1/2 here and there, Today we were out and he was in my Ergo carrier and he slept an hour which was from 2:15-3:15pm
I put him down for his cat-nap at 5:15 tonight and its 7:00 and he's still sleeping... he did this 2 other times last week also

Do i wake him to get him back on track and do his bedtime routine, his dinner bottle and then down for the night?

we usually have a great schedule but i have to be home to get this.  it seems like when we are on the go he gets off so quickly.

On a good day and we are home it looks like this:
6:45am wake
7:00am eat (6oz)
8:45/9:00am nap (anywhere from 1.5 hours to 2.5)  if he wakes early we play until lunch
11:00am eat (6oz)
1:00pm +/- sleep 45min-2 hours (play if he wakes early
3:00pm eat (6oz)
5:00-5:45 cat nap
6:30 start bedtime
6:45 eat (6oz)
7:00/7:15 down for the evening
10:45 DF (5oz)
between 2:00am-3:00 eat (2.5oz)

Beauty - right!!!
but again i have to stay home to have this work. and well i'm very active in the community and need to be out -with him :)

your thoughts?

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Re: to wake to not - dinner is served...
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2013, 19:37:06 pm »
I would do what works best for you.  I always went for waking mine to keep BT on track (within 30min of 'normal') because I like my time in the evenings and believe that night sleep is more restorative. I found it was just fine for them to have less overall sleep during the day here and there if I kept things on track with BT and NT.  So, in your case, I would have woken him at 6 and done BT at 7:30/45.  Just my thoughts! :)