Ok thank you will give the a time a go and shortening wind down.
Also, yesterday feeds were all over the place, the df got her through til 4.30am and so when she woke at 6.40 she didn't want to eat we kept offering through a time but no luck , so of course this made her wake early for a feed, where again she didn't take much because she was ot
The cycle continues all day. This happens every few days. Is there a way to do the df so as it sees her through the night? Last night I missed it by accident (usually 10.30) and she woke at 11 for it, she never used to wake this early for a feed?
Also bt routine usually gets upset and refuses bottle but once calmed down takes a full feed and goes down for the night well... Wakes from cn happy, bath, massage, tummy time, go into bedroom and starts crying. 20 mins or so to get her to eat, then happy after eating.. Any ideas?
Sorry so many questions!