I hope someone can give me some advice. I am having sleeping issues with my LO (now 15 weeks) that keeps me and my husband up all night. I try to start her bedtime routine between 8-830pm. I bath, massage, and give her a bottle (5 ounces, formula and cereal) by latest 9pm. I burp her and soother her to sleep (rock, shh, pacifier, etc). She has slept in her crib in a separate room from us for a couple of months now. I must admit I just recently stopped swaddling her as many parents told me it was bad for her development? For the passed few nights she has been waking during the night almost every hour starting after 11pm (before she would sleep at least from 11pm to 3am). I feed her again around 430-5am as when before this tome when she wakes I giver her the pacifier and she goes right back to sleep. Also I took away her DREAM FEED at 11pm about two nights ago as I didn’t notice any difference whether I fed her or not.