Author Topic: I think that I created a sleep monster, and I'm DESPERATE for help  (Read 1115 times)

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Offline monkeyblonde

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Hello all

My little boy was 18 months old just over a week ago.  He has never fallen asleep my himself at nap or bed time.  The bedtimes were manageable, but when I stopped bfing on his 18 month birthday the usual routine of me holding his hand through the cot until he fell asleep now takes up to an hour as he s so stressed about getting into his cot. I have switched the bfeeding for a cup of milk- he's never had a bottle and I'm not about to start something else that will need to be cracked at some point. He has the cup of milk whilst i read him a story in the chair in his room, then he finishes it off in his cot. I've also tried reading him a story in bed, but he seems to just get so tired and upset that he falls asleep. This is about 7.45pm and he then wakes up at about 12, then 6 for the day.

The main problem that I have though is naps.  He will only sleep in the car or pushchair, and is ready for a sleep 3-3.5 hours after waking up.  So we are on the road for an hour to an hour and a half and he's normally awake again by 11. Then it is too long until a normal bedtime so off we go again around 2 until 3, when he is absolutely shattered, but I feel that I have to wake him up to stand a chance of an hour in the evening after he goes to bed to down my meal and sit down.  It's not only me having to do the crazy day drives, my mum looks after him 3xper week whilst I am at work.

I'm sure that I'm not alone in such a story, so am sure that someone can offer some advice.  To summarise, here's his 'routine'

6am awake
9.30am car nap
10.30/11 awake
2pm nap for around 30-45mins
6.15pm bath
7pm in cot
7.45pm asleep

I'm sure that the whole thing is a vicious circle!!

Offline anna*

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Re: I think that I created a sleep monster, and I'm DESPERATE for help
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2013, 20:56:45 pm »
Hi there

I'm sure we'll be able to help. As you realise, the issue at hand is independent sleep. He's totally capable of learning how to go to sleep independently, but you need to know (I'm sure I don't need to tell you) that he's not going to be happy about you changing things up on him! My daughter is the same age and starting to experiment with some pretty good tantrums!

OK so first lets talk about independent sleep. You are going to put him in his cot for his (one) daytime nap, and at bedtime. You'll do a short wind-down which is exactly the same for each nap (and a slight variation which is exactly the same at each bedtime). It doesn't particularly matter what the wind-down is, as long as it is consistent and you can follow the same steps in the same order every day. Here are our two wind-downs.

Read two stories downstairs, just to start to slow down
Go upstairs, change nappy and into sleeping bag
Turn on white noise in her room, close curtains
Grab her loveys
Cuddle and I sing her lullaby
Kiss and into cot.

Go upstairs for bath
Out of bath, brush teeth, into nappy/PJs/sleeping bag
Turn on white noise in her room close curtains
Grab loveys, breastfeed
Cuddle and lullaby
Kiss and into cot.

Obviously this is just an example. If you can write down your wind-down you can have your mum do the same thing when he's at hers.

OK now for his routine. For now, bedtime is going to be at 6pm IF he takes a decent (1.5hr plus) nap. If he naps an hour or less, or if he skips his nap altogether, bed will be at 5.30pm or 5pm. That will mean (for now) starting your wind-down a good hour beforehand, so that he has time to go through his wind-down and to learn to settle to sleep.

For his nap, I really recommend you push him to stay awake until 11am. Do a BIG snack at 10am, then at 10.20 start your wind-down. (when he gets adjusted to the new way of doing thigsn, you'll likely be able to move his nap later and do a shorter wind-down).

OK so how to settle him. Put him in his cot and sit on the floor next to his cot. Don't hold his hand because that's the prop you're trying to break. You could offer him a lovey to hold on to. You can talk to him softly, hum, sing... personally I would sit on my hands because if I reached into the cot to pat his back or stroke his hair, it would end up in a silly wrestling match with him trying to grab your hand or whatever. Best to keep hands out of it.

OK, so say you do this for 45 mins at nap time and he's still just crying and crying, nowhere near settling. Get him up, go downstairs, have a drink and a play, regroup/recover. Give it an hour or two and then try again, right from the beginning of the wind-down. You might find that he skips his nap entirely on the first couple of days. That's OK you can do early bedtime instead.

Repeat the same drill at bedtime - but this time, there's no break after an hour. Just stay with him until he falls asleep.

So, after a few days has passed and he has fallen asleep a few times without you holding his hand, move away from the side of his cot. Still sit on the floor but just edge away so you're a few feet away. He'll protest again, that's to be expected. Don't wait until he's going to sleep *brilliantly* with you sitting next to the cot, before you move - you need to keep up momentum, and work on getting out the door. A few more nights, move away further again. Within a week or 10 days you should be able to get to the bedroom door, and from there you can do walk in walk out if he needs you to.

What do you think?

Offline monkeyblonde

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Re: I think that I created a sleep monster, and I'm DESPERATE for help
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2013, 11:27:54 am »
Hi there

Thanks so much for the advice.

I decided to hold off starting until yesterday as I'm now off work until 7/5 so should have a good run at cracking this.

Yesterday, nap time not great, took him about 45 mins to get to sleep. He was pretty upset. At bedtime though only took about 20 mins which is an improvement.

Naptime today not so great, still 45 mins but much more upset.  What I don't like about the naptime routine is that he seems to cry himself to sleep.  When should I see an improvement? I keep telling myself that what I'm doing is to help him, and not just me, but it's tough!


Offline anna*

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Re: I think that I created a sleep monster, and I'm DESPERATE for help
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2013, 13:19:20 pm »
I'd say you should see SOME improvement inside a week. I can't promise that he won't still be crying before sleep by then though. His whole life, he has got used to falling asleep one particular way and now that has been changed, and toddlers are famous for not liking routines being changed up on them!

Offline monkeyblonde

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Re: I think that I created a sleep monster, and I'm DESPERATE for help
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2013, 11:19:13 am »
Well, last night was the first bedtime with no tears. He fell asleep about 7.30, then up at 12 for a drink then about 4.50 for the day! (One step forward two steps back?) more tears at naptime today but we'll see how it goes. What do you reckon on delaying his naptime to make sure that he's really tired?

Offline anna*

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Re: I think that I created a sleep monster, and I'm DESPERATE for help
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2013, 11:23:20 am »
Since he was up so early for the day I wouldn't make it any later than normal.

Offline monkeyblonde

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Re: I think that I created a sleep monster, and I'm DESPERATE for help
« Reply #6 on: April 20, 2013, 11:51:18 am »
He woke after an hour! Aargh! Any ideas?

Offline anna*

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Re: I think that I created a sleep monster, and I'm DESPERATE for help
« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2013, 11:56:17 am »
I'd guess overtired from such a long morning. Can you do an early bedtime? Does he tack on missed sleep at night?

Offline monkeyblonde

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Re: I think that I created a sleep monster, and I'm DESPERATE for help
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2013, 11:58:50 am »
He just never seems tired for naps, no signals at all. His wake ups are so erratic so an early BT could mean a WU anytime between 4.30 and 6.45. I guess this is all part of the transition.