Author Topic: When to "try" re-introducing dairy/soy to EBF Mom's diet?  (Read 1600 times)

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When to "try" re-introducing dairy/soy to EBF Mom's diet?
« on: April 15, 2013, 16:38:26 pm »
LO (23 weeks) has MSPI, diagnosed at 5 weeks due to visible (and microscopic) blood in stool.  I'd also consumed a lot of dairy prior to diagnosis (hello, birthday ice cream cake!!) which may have contributed to the diagnosis, but to be on the safe side, I've been on an elimination diet ever since.  Stools returned to normal (frequent and green to sporadic and orangey/brown) after 7 weeks or so on new diet.

All that to say.... WHEN and HOW do you re-introduce 'offenders' in your diet as an EBF Mom? And... how to you know if there's a reaction given that some reactions are not visible (example: microscopic blood in the stool).

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Re: When to "try" re-introducing dairy/soy to EBF Mom's diet?
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2013, 09:30:09 am »
HI, I think the general advice is to wait until at least 12 months old x


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Re: When to "try" re-introducing dairy/soy to EBF Mom's diet?
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2013, 18:18:04 pm »
ACK!!  I was thinking it was around 6-8 months you could start slowly re-introducing "offenders"!!  Admittedly, the first 6 months on an elim diet haven't been too terrible, but I'm starting to really crave/miss those things I've been going without! Thanks for the info! Back to the recipe book for some more alternatives to keep me going!

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Re: When to "try" re-introducing dairy/soy to EBF Mom's diet?
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2013, 20:35:10 pm »
Under the advice of our paed who I finally saw when DD2 was well on to solids we started to reintroduce about nine months. I think I started with a scrape of butter on toast for a week or so. Then some milk in tea and so on. We had some poo issues but only major flare ups with yogurt so in the end we were fine with butter and small amount of milk and cheese. It was really only yogurt and milk as a drink that caused issues.

Your LO seems to be doing very well on the ED so TBH I'd not test anything with out seeing your doctor. Our paed sent me to the dietician who talked me through the process of testing things. Have you anything like that you can access?