This is an independent sleep problem. Have you had a look at any of the BW methods? If she's never slept independently, you're going to be in for a lot of crying, but we can help you and support you along the way. You need to start by giving her bottle at bedtime but then put her in her crib awake. Maybe brush her teeth or change her diaper after the bottle if she is likely to fall asleep with it. It's really a bad idea to let her continue to have a bottle in her cot, it can be really bad for their teeth. At night, no more bottles. OK for the first couple of nights maybe give her one bottle but after that no more. Just sit next to her cot, stroke her back, pat the mattress - yes she will cry but she won't cry forever, she will eventually sleep, and after she has done it without a bottle the first time, the next time will be easier.