We are brand new to this forum and honestly don't know much about this technique. Our 12 month old has struggled with sleep issues for many months and after doing a pick up put down and sitting by her crib at night, she got to a point where she would sleep through the night with just two wake ups to nurse. There was no crying- she went into her crib easily at night and soothed herself back to sleep quickly and easily if she woke up other than the two planned nursing times. About two weeks after her 12 months shots, she started crying at bedtime. She would also wake up throughout the night and cry, sometimes inconsolably. After three weeks and three Dr.'s visits where they can find nothing medically wrong, we are back to doing a pick up put down and sitting by the bed. She still cried for almost an hour when she goes to bed, usually wakes during the night also crying and wakes up about an hour earlier than she should be (around 5am). Would love any suggestions that anyone has and can provide more information about our routine if needed!
Thank you.