Hello there,
2.5 yo dd1 seems to be having trouble falling asleep at night - there are MANY factors to this, but I'm hoping to get some help sorting it. I think she's OT at night and that her naps are too long or too late. BT got really long when dd2 came along - DH would read her stories until I got dd2 down - sometimes 10 min, sometimes 45m, of course getting out of the 2 book routine was/is a disaster and we will work on getting back to a concise BT routine now that things are leveling off with dd2. I'm sure this is part of it. The other part is that she falls asleep so well and so fast for her nap that I know she needs it - neither of us is ready for the 1-0, but she wakes terribly - I've been capping at 1h45 or more often 1h30. She is naturally a bit slow to wake, but sometimes even after a wonderful, fun, playful AM, it seems that she can't shake whatever the deal is when she wakes from nap (or rather is woke up from nap) and can be a bear the rest of the PM, or sometimes just for an hour or two! We do snuggle upon waking and read stories - I don't take her out of the crib but rather allow her to lay there and snuggle her lovey until she is ready to get out - sometimes I have to watch her as she will drift back off, and recently I've sat in the chair in her room for 20-30m saying her name and telling her it is time to wake up with the shades open and everything and she just keeps on snoozing...
Here's a pretty typical day:
WU 7:00-7:30
Nap 1:00-2:30 or 1:30-3:00 (I don't notice much of a difference and just try to shoot for earlier on the days she wakes closer to 7:00)
BT starts at 8:00, leaving the room (hopefully!) 8:30, but she isn't sleeping until 9:00 or later many nights.
We've also had random earlier WUs - 6:30-6:45 - she will snuggle with me in the chair for a while but never closes her eyes and absolutely will not go back in crib, and later WUs - yesterday I woke her at 8:15
As I'm going back to work, BT has to become more efficient and earlier - we are going to work back to leaving her room at 8:00 (or earlier) - her WU for day care is 6:45 most days, so I feel this might be a bit short, but I have to have a couple hours with her in the evenings as does DH.
I won't be able to do anything about naps during the week, and she will be extra tired and OS, esp at first, but we are prepared for that, and actually there are only about 6 weeks of the school year left (I teach) and then we will be back home all the time again. She's always managed to stay on whatever our routine was at home on weekends and holidays though (ie: she did 2-1 at daycare much earlier and has always taken less/shorter naps at daycare than she does at home), so I do want to figure out something that will work better for her.
Does anyone know about the sleep cycle at this age? Is there a better nap length - maybe I am waking her at a deep sleep point in her nap and that's why it seems so awful? Would 1h15 or just an hour be better? Maybe she actually needs longer naps and I am reading this all wrong? Any ideas?