If I tried it on the night it would probably wake her up but will give it a shot.
At night we put her in cot , kiss, cover up and shut the door. She usually falls asleep quickly after talking for a bit.
She goes to sleep on her back and wakes up on her back, she's in a cot but there's lots of room in there.
She wakes up on her tummy then cries, it's been going on for prob six months.
She's had various sleep issues such as swaddled till 1 year, crying for dummy in night so we weaned that at around 14 months (she took to both quickly) . I used pupd when younger. She has always woken up a few times since around 3 months, every time we think we've removed the obstacle something new crops up
We shortened her nap to 1 hour recently and she has slept thru a few times.